Source code for oceanspy.utils

OceanSpy utilities that don't need OceanDataset objects.

import ast as _ast
import copy as _copy

import numpy as _np

# Required dependencies (private)
import xarray as _xr

# from .llc_rearrange import face_edge_check
from ._ospy_utils import _check_instance

# Recommended dependencies (private)
    from geopy.distance import great_circle as _great_circle
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover

def viewer_to_range(p):
    Takes the output from the poseidon viewer `p` and returns the coordinate
    trajectories in X and Y in a way that is compatible with oceanspy.subsample

    p: list.
        data exported from the Poseidon viewer
    lon: list.
    lat: list.

    if isinstance(p, str):
        if p[0] == "[" and p[-1] == "]":
            p = _ast.literal_eval(p)  # turn string into list
            raise TypeError("not a type extracted by poseidon viewer")
    _check_instance({"p": p}, {"p": ["list"]})
    _check_instance({"p[0]": p[0]}, {"p[0]": ["dict"]})
    _check_instance({"type": p[0]["type"]}, {"type": "str"})
    _check_instance({"coord": p[0]["coordinates"]}, {"coord": "list"})

    if p[0]["type"] in ["Polygon", "LineString", "Point"]:
        # print messege
        print("extracting " + p[0]["type"])
        raise TypeError("not a type extracted by poseidon viewer")

    p_type = p[0]["type"]

    if p_type == "Polygon":
        coords = p[0]["coordinates"][0]
    if p_type == "Point":
        coords = []
        for i in range(len(p)):
    if p_type == "LineString":  # pragma : no cover
        coords = p[0]["coordinates"]

    lon = []
    lat = []

    for i in range(len(coords)):

    # check that there are no lon values greater than 180 (abs)
    ll = _np.where(abs(_np.array(lon)) > 180)[0]
    if ll.size:
        lon = _np.array(lon)
        sign = _np.sign(lon[ll])
        fac = _np.round(abs(lon)[ll] / 360)
        nlon = lon[ll] - 360 * sign * fac
        lon[ll] = nlon

    return list(lon), lat

def _rel_lon(x, ref_lon):
    Change the definition of 0 longitude.
    Return how much east one need to go from ref_lon to x
    This function aims to address the confusion caused by
    the discontinuity in longitude.
    x: float, numpy.array, dask.array
        longitude to convert
    ref_lon: float
        a reference longitude. This longitude will become 0deg
    redefined_x: float, numpy.array, dask.array
        converted longitude
    return (x - ref_lon) % 360

def _reset_range(xn):
    """Resets the definition of XRange, by default the discontinuity at 180 long.
    Checks that there is no sign change in x and if there is, the only change that
    is allowed is when crossing zero. Otherwise resets ref_lon.


    x: numpy.array.
        array with longitude values.


    x0, x1: numpy.array
        endpoints of cutout.
    redefined_x: numpy.array.
        converted longitude.
    _ref_lon = 180
    xn = _np.array(xn)
    cross = _np.where(_np.diff(_np.sign(xn)))[0]
    if cross.size and xn.size != 2:
        ref = 180, 0
        if cross.size == 1:  # one sign change
            d1 = [abs(abs(xn[cross[0]]) - i) for i in ref]
            i0 = _np.argwhere(_np.array(d1) == min(d1))[0][0]
            if i0 == 0:  # Pacific
                ll = _np.where(xn > 0)[0]
                nxn = _copy.deepcopy(xn)
                nxn[ll] = nxn[ll] - 360
                X = _np.min(nxn) + 360, _np.max(nxn)
                _ref_lon = X[0] - (X[0] - X[1]) / 3
            else:  # Atlantic
                X = _np.min(xn), _np.max(xn)
        if cross.size > 1:  # 2 or more sign changes
            da = [abs(abs(xn[i]) - 180) for i in cross]
            db = [abs(abs(xn[i]) - 0) for i in cross]
            d = _np.array([[da[i], db[i]] for i in range(len(da))])
            ind = [_np.argwhere(d[i] == min(d[i]))[0][0] for i in range(len(d))]
            if all(ind[0] == i for i in ind) and ind[0] == 0:  # Pacific
                ll = _np.where(xn > 0)[0]
                nxn = _copy.deepcopy(xn)
                nxn[ll] = nxn[ll] - 360
                X = _np.min(nxn) + 360, _np.max(nxn)
                _ref_lon = X[0] - (X[0] - X[1]) / 3
            if all(ind[0] == i for i in ind) and ind[0] == 1:  # Atlantic
                X = _np.min(xn), _np.max(xn)
                X = None
    if cross.size == 0 or xn.size == 2:
        if xn.size == 2:
            X = xn[0], xn[1]
            if xn[0] > xn[1]:
                _ref_lon = X[0] - (X[0] - X[1]) / 3
            X = _np.min(xn), _np.max(xn)
    if X is not None:
        X = _np.array(X)
    return X, _np.round(_ref_lon, 2)

[docs] def spherical2cartesian(Y, X, R=None): """ Convert spherical coordinates to cartesian. Parameters ---------- Y: _xr.DataArray or array_like Spherical Y coordinate (latitude) X: _xr.DataArray or array_like Spherical X coordinate (longitude) R: scalar Earth radius in km If None, use geopy default Returns ------- x: _xr.DataArray or array_like Cartesian x coordinate y: _xr.DataArray or array_like Cartesian y coordinate z: scalar Cartesian z coordinate """ # Check parameters _check_instance({"R": R}, {"R": ["type(None)", "numpy.ScalarType"]}) # Check parameters if R is None: from geopy.distance import EARTH_RADIUS R = EARTH_RADIUS # Convert Y_rad = _np.deg2rad(Y) X_rad = _np.deg2rad(X) x = R * _np.cos(Y_rad) * _np.cos(X_rad) y = R * _np.cos(Y_rad) * _np.sin(X_rad) z = R * _np.sin(Y_rad) return x, y, z
[docs] def great_circle_path(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, delta_km=None, R=None): """ Generate a great circle trajectory specifying the distance resolution. Parameters ---------- lat1: scalar Latitude of vertex 1 [degrees N] lon1: scalar Longitude of vertex 1 [degrees E] lat2: scalar Latitude of vertex 2 [degrees N] lon2: scalar Longitude of vertex 2 [degrees E] delta_km: scalar, None Distance resolution [km] If None, only use vertices and return distance R: scalar, None Earth radius in km If None, use geopy default Returns ------- lats: 1D numpy.ndarray Great circle latitudes [degrees N] lons: 1D numpy.ndarray Great circle longitudes [degrees E] dist: 1D numpy.ndarray Distances from vertex 1 [km] References ---------- Converted to python and adapted from: `< submissions/8493/versions/2/previews/generate_great_circle_path.m /index.html?access_key=>`_ """ # Check parameters _check_instance( { "lat1": lat1, "lon1": lon1, "lat2": lat2, "lon2": lon2, "delta_km": delta_km, "R": R, }, { "lat1": "numpy.ScalarType", "lon1": "numpy.ScalarType", "lat2": "numpy.ScalarType", "lon2": "numpy.ScalarType", "delta_km": ["type(None)", "numpy.ScalarType"], "R": ["type(None)", "numpy.ScalarType"], }, ) # Check parameters if lat1 == lat2 and lon1 == lon2: raise ValueError("Vertexes are overlapping") if delta_km is not None and delta_km <= 0: raise ValueError("`delta_km` can not be zero or negative") # Check parameters if R is None: from geopy.distance import EARTH_RADIUS R = EARTH_RADIUS if delta_km is not None: # Convert to radians lat1 = _np.deg2rad(lat1) lon1 = _np.deg2rad(lon1) lat2 = _np.deg2rad(lat2) lon2 = _np.deg2rad(lon2) # Using the right-handed coordinate frame # with Z toward (lat,lon)=(0,0) and # Y toward (lat,lon)=(90,0), # the unit_radial of a (lat,lon) is given by: # [ cos(lat)*sin(lon) ] # unit_radial = [ sin(lat) ] # [ cos(lat)*cos(lon) ] unit_radial_1 = _np.array( [ _np.cos(lat1) * _np.sin(lon1), _np.sin(lat1), _np.cos(lat1) * _np.cos(lon1), ] ) unit_radial_2 = _np.array( [ _np.cos(lat2) * _np.sin(lon2), _np.sin(lat2), _np.cos(lat2) * _np.cos(lon2), ] ) # Define the vector that is normal to # both unit_radial_1 & unit_radial_2 normal_vec = _np.cross(unit_radial_1, unit_radial_2) unit_normal = normal_vec / _np.sqrt(_np.sum(normal_vec**2)) # Define the vector that is tangent to the great circle flight path at # (lat1,lon1) tangent_1_vec = _np.cross(unit_normal, unit_radial_1) unit_tangent_1 = tangent_1_vec / _np.sqrt(_np.sum(tangent_1_vec**2)) # Determine the total arc distance from 1 to 2 (radians) total_arc_angle_1_to_2 = _np.arccos( # Determine the set of arc angles to use # (approximately spaced by delta_km) angs2use = _np.linspace( 0, total_arc_angle_1_to_2, int(_np.ceil(total_arc_angle_1_to_2 / (delta_km / R))), ) # radians M = angs2use.size # unit_radials is a 3xM array of M unit radials term1 = _np.array([unit_radial_1]).transpose().dot(_np.ones((1, M))) term2 = _np.ones((3, 1)).dot(_np.array([_np.cos(angs2use)])) term3 = _np.array([unit_tangent_1]).transpose().dot(_np.ones((1, M))) term4 = _np.ones((3, 1)).dot(_np.array([_np.sin(angs2use)])) unit_radials = term1 * term2 + term3 * term4 # Convert to latitudes and longitudes lats = _np.rad2deg(_np.arcsin(unit_radials[1, :])) lons = _np.rad2deg(_np.arctan2(unit_radials[0, :], unit_radials[2, :])) else: # Use input lon and lat lats = _np.concatenate((_np.reshape(lat1, 1), _np.reshape(lat2, 1))) lons = _np.concatenate((_np.reshape(lon1, 1), _np.reshape(lon2, 1))) # Compute distance dists = _np.zeros(lons.shape) for i in range(1, len(lons)): coord1 = (lats[i - 1], lons[i - 1]) coord2 = (lats[i], lons[i]) dists[i] = _great_circle(coord1, coord2, radius=R).km dists = _np.cumsum(dists) return lats, lons, dists
def circle_path_array(_Y, _X, R, _res=25): """ Given a list of prescribed coordinate points of len(N), returns an array of increased (or equal) length, wherein the added values are computed following a great circle path. The spatial resolution is set by _res=25 (by default) in km=25. """ # Check parameters _check_instance( { "lats": _Y, "lons": _X, "res": _res, "R": R, }, { "lats": ["list", "numpy.ndarray"], "lons": ["list", "numpy.ndarray"], "res": "numpy.ScalarType", "R": "numpy.ScalarType", }, ) _Y = _np.asarray(_Y, dtype=_np.float64) _X = _np.asarray(_X, dtype=_np.float64) if len(_Y) != len(_X): raise ValueError("_Y and _X arrays must have same number of entries") diffsum = abs(_X[1:] - _X[:-1]) + abs(_Y[1:] - _Y[:-1]) if _np.sum(diffsum) == 0: raise ValueError("There must be at least two different coordinates points") dists = [] for i in range(len(_Y) - 1): dists.append(_great_circle((_Y[i], _X[i]), (_Y[i + 1], _X[i + 1]), radius=R).km) k = _np.argwhere(_np.array(dists) > _res).squeeze() nY = [[] * k.size for i in range(k.size)] nX = [[] * k.size for i in range(k.size)] ndists = [] if k.size: if k.size == 1: # only one element nY, nX, ndists = great_circle_path(_Y[k], _X[k], _Y[k + 1], _X[k + 1], _res) if len(nY) == 2: nY, nX, ndists = great_circle_path( _Y[k], _X[k], _Y[k + 1], _X[k + 1], _res / 2 ) else: for ii in range(k.size): ny, nx, dists = great_circle_path( _Y[k[ii]], _X[k[ii]], _Y[k[ii] + 1], _X[k[ii] + 1], _res ) if len(ny) == 2: ny, nx, dists = great_circle_path( _Y[k[ii]], _X[k[ii]], _Y[k[ii] + 1], _X[k[ii] + 1], _res / 2 ) nY[ii] = list(ny) nX[ii] = list(nx) Nn = [len(nY[i]) for i in range(len(nY))] nk = 0 * k for ii in range(len(k)): nk[ii] = k[ii] + sum(Nn[:ii]) _Y = list(_Y[: nk[ii] + 1]) + list(nY[ii]) + list(_Y[nk[ii] + 1 :]) _X = list(_X[: nk[ii] + 1]) + list(nX[ii]) + list(_X[nk[ii] + 1 :]) nY, nX = _Y, _X # update else: nY, nX = _Y, _X return nY, nX
[docs] def cartesian_path(x1, y1, x2, y2, delta=None): """ Generate a trajectory specifying the distance resolution. Parameters ---------- x1: scalar x coordinate of vertex 1 y1: scalar y coordinate of vertex 1 x2: scalar x coordinate of vertex 2 y2: scalar y coordinate of vertex 2 delta: scalar Distance resolution (same units of x and y) If None, only use vertices and return distance Returns ------- xs: 1D numpy.ndarray x coordinates ys: 1D numpy.ndarray y coordinates dist: 1D numpy.ndarray distances """ # Check parameters _check_instance( {"x1": x1, "x2": x2, "y1": y1, "y2": y2, "delta": delta}, { "x1": "numpy.ScalarType", "x2": "numpy.ScalarType", "y1": "numpy.ScalarType", "y2": "numpy.ScalarType", "delta": ["type(None)", "numpy.ScalarType"], }, ) if x1 == x2 and x1 == x2: raise ValueError("Vertexes are overlapping") if delta is not None and delta <= 0: raise ValueError("`delta` can not be zero or negative") # Interpolate dist_tot = _np.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2) if delta is None: coefs = _np.linspace(0, 1, 2) else: coefs = _np.linspace(0, 1, int(round(dist_tot / delta))) xs = x1 + coefs * (x2 - x1) ys = y1 + coefs * (y2 - y1) dists = coefs * dist_tot return xs, ys, dists
[docs] def densjmd95(s, t, p): """ Density of Sea Water using Jackett and McDougall 1995 (JAOT 12) polynomial (modified UNESCO polynomial) [JaMc95]_. `<\ download/daily_snapshot/MITgcm/utils/python/MITgcmutils/MITgcmutils/>`_ Parameters ---------- s: xarray.DatArray, array-like salinity [psu (PSS-78)] t: xarray.DatArray, array-like potential temperature [degree C (IPTS-68)] p: xarray.DatArray, array-like pressure [dbar] (p may have dims 1x1, mx1, 1xn or mxn for S(mxn)) Returns ------- rho: xarray.DatArray, array-like density [kg/m^3] References ---------- .. [JaMc95] Jackett, D.R. and T.J. Mcdougall, 1995:\ Minimal Adjustment of Hydrographic Profiles\ to Achieve Static Stability.\ J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 12, 381–389,\<0381:MAOHPT>2.0.CO;2 """ # make sure arguments are floating point for var in [s, t, p]: if isinstance(var, _xr.DataArray): var = var.astype("float") else: var = _np.asfarray(var) # coefficients nonlinear equation of state in pressure coordinates for # 1. density of fresh water at p = 0 eosJMDCFw = [ 999.842594, 6.793952e-02, -9.095290e-03, 1.001685e-04, -1.120083e-06, 6.536332e-09, ] # 2. density of sea water at p = 0 eosJMDCSw = [ 8.244930e-01, -4.089900e-03, 7.643800e-05, -8.246700e-07, 5.387500e-09, -5.724660e-03, 1.022700e-04, -1.654600e-06, 4.831400e-04, ] # coefficients in pressure coordinates for # 3. secant bulk modulus K of fresh water at p = 0 eosJMDCKFw = [1.965933e04, 1.444304e02, -1.706103e00, 9.648704e-03, -4.190253e-05] # 4. secant bulk modulus K of sea water at p = 0 eosJMDCKSw = [ 5.284855e01, -3.101089e-01, 6.283263e-03, -5.084188e-05, 3.886640e-01, 9.085835e-03, -4.619924e-04, ] # 5. secant bulk modulus K of sea water at p eosJMDCKP = [ 3.186519e00, 2.212276e-02, -2.984642e-04, 1.956415e-06, 6.704388e-03, -1.847318e-04, 2.059331e-07, 1.480266e-04, 2.102898e-04, -1.202016e-05, 1.394680e-07, -2.040237e-06, 6.128773e-08, 6.207323e-10, ] # convert pressure to bar p = 0.1 * p p2 = p * p t2 = t * t t3 = t2 * t t4 = t3 * t s3o2 = s * _np.sqrt(s) # density of freshwater at the surface rho = ( eosJMDCFw[0] + eosJMDCFw[1] * t + eosJMDCFw[2] * t2 + eosJMDCFw[3] * t3 + eosJMDCFw[4] * t4 + eosJMDCFw[5] * t4 * t ) # density of sea water at the surface rho = ( rho + s * ( eosJMDCSw[0] + eosJMDCSw[1] * t + eosJMDCSw[2] * t2 + eosJMDCSw[3] * t3 + eosJMDCSw[4] * t4 ) + s3o2 * (eosJMDCSw[5] + eosJMDCSw[6] * t + eosJMDCSw[7] * t2) + eosJMDCSw[8] * s * s ) # secant bulk modulus of fresh water at the surface bulkmod = ( eosJMDCKFw[0] + eosJMDCKFw[1] * t + eosJMDCKFw[2] * t2 + eosJMDCKFw[3] * t3 + eosJMDCKFw[4] * t4 ) # secant bulk modulus of sea water at the surface bulkmod = ( bulkmod + s * (eosJMDCKSw[0] + eosJMDCKSw[1] * t + eosJMDCKSw[2] * t2 + eosJMDCKSw[3] * t3) + s3o2 * (eosJMDCKSw[4] + eosJMDCKSw[5] * t + eosJMDCKSw[6] * t2) ) # secant bulk modulus of sea water at pressure p bulkmod = ( bulkmod + p * (eosJMDCKP[0] + eosJMDCKP[1] * t + eosJMDCKP[2] * t2 + eosJMDCKP[3] * t3) + p * s * (eosJMDCKP[4] + eosJMDCKP[5] * t + eosJMDCKP[6] * t2) + p * s3o2 * eosJMDCKP[7] + p2 * (eosJMDCKP[8] + eosJMDCKP[9] * t + eosJMDCKP[10] * t2) + p2 * s * (eosJMDCKP[11] + eosJMDCKP[12] * t + eosJMDCKP[13] * t2) ) rho = rho / (1.0 - p / bulkmod) return rho
[docs] def densmdjwf(s, t, p): """ Density of Sea Water using McDougall et al. 2003 (JAOT 20) polynomial (Gibbs Potential) [McJa03]_. `<\ MITgcm/MITgcm/blob/master/utils/python/MITgcmutils/MITgcmutils/>`_ Parameters ---------- s: xarray.DatArray, array-like salinity [psu (PSS-78)] t: xarray.DatArray, array-like potential temperature [degree C (IPTS-68)] p: xarray.DatArray, array-like pressure [dbar] (p may have dims 1x1, mx1, 1xn or mxn for S(mxn)) Returns ------- rho: xarray.DatArray, array-like density [kg/m^3] References ---------- .. [McJa03] McDougall, T.J., D.R. Jackett, D.G. Wright, and R. Feistel, 2003:\ Accurate and Computationally Efficient Algorithms for\ Potential Temperature and Density of Seawater.\ J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 20, 730–741,\<730:AACEAF>2.0.CO;2 """ # make sure arguments are floating point for var in [s, t, p]: if isinstance(var, _xr.DataArray): var = var.astype("float") else: var = _np.asfarray(var) # coefficients nonlinear equation of state in pressure coordinates for eosMDJWFnum = [ 7.35212840e00, -5.45928211e-02, 3.98476704e-04, 2.96938239e00, -7.23268813e-03, 2.12382341e-03, 1.04004591e-02, 1.03970529e-07, 5.18761880e-06, -3.24041825e-08, -1.23869360e-11, 9.99843699e02, ] eosMDJWFden = [ 7.28606739e-03, -4.60835542e-05, 3.68390573e-07, 1.80809186e-10, 2.14691708e-03, -9.27062484e-06, -1.78343643e-10, 4.76534122e-06, 1.63410736e-09, 5.30848875e-06, -3.03175128e-16, -1.27934137e-17, 1.00000000e00, ] p1 = _copy.copy(p) t1 = _copy.copy(t) t2 = t * t s1 = _copy.copy(s) sp5 = _np.sqrt(s1) p1t1 = p1 * t1 num = ( eosMDJWFnum[11] + t1 * (eosMDJWFnum[0] + t1 * (eosMDJWFnum[1] + eosMDJWFnum[2] * t1)) + s1 * (eosMDJWFnum[3] + eosMDJWFnum[4] * t1 + eosMDJWFnum[5] * s1) + p1 * ( eosMDJWFnum[6] + eosMDJWFnum[7] * t2 + eosMDJWFnum[8] * s1 + p1 * (eosMDJWFnum[9] + eosMDJWFnum[10] * t2) ) ) den = ( eosMDJWFden[12] + t1 * ( eosMDJWFden[0] + t1 * (eosMDJWFden[1] + t1 * (eosMDJWFden[2] + t1 * eosMDJWFden[3])) ) + s1 * ( eosMDJWFden[4] + t1 * (eosMDJWFden[5] + eosMDJWFden[6] * t2) + sp5 * (eosMDJWFden[7] + eosMDJWFden[8] * t2) ) + p1 * (eosMDJWFden[9] + p1t1 * (eosMDJWFden[10] * t2 + eosMDJWFden[11] * p1)) ) epsln = 0 denom = 1.0 / (epsln + den) rho = num * denom return rho
def static_pressure(Z): # pragma: no cover """ Returns the static pressure given depth. """ # Coefficients to determine static pressure c = [0.059808, -0.025, 0.100766, 2.28405e-7] P = c[0] * _np.exp((c[1] * Z) - 1) + c[2] * Z + c[3] * (Z**2) P = 10 * P # decibars return P
[docs] def Coriolis_parameter(Y, omega=7.2921e-5): """ Compute Coriolis parameter (both vertical and horizontal components). .. math:: (f, e) = (\\hat{\\mathbf{z}}\\cdot \\left(2\\mathbf{\\Omega}\\right), \\hat{\\mathbf{y}}\\cdot\\left(2\\mathbf{\\Omega}\\right)) = (2|\\mathbf{\\Omega}|\\sin{\\theta}, 2|\\mathbf{\\Omega}|\\cos{\\theta}) Parameters ---------- Y: _xr.DataArray or array_like Y coordinate (latitude) omega: scalar Rotation rate of Earth (rad/s) Returns ------- f: _xr.DataArray or array_like Vertical component of the Earth's rotation vector e: _xr.DataArray or array_like Horizontal component of the Earth's rotation vector """ # TODO: check Y and omega # Convert Y_rad = _np.deg2rad(Y) f = 2 * omega * _np.sin(Y_rad) e = 2 * omega * _np.cos(Y_rad) return f, e
def get_maskH(ds, add_Hbdr, XRange, YRange, ref_lon=0): """Define this function to avoid repeated code. First time this runs, the objective is to figure out which faces survive the cutout. This info is then passed, when transforming llc-grids, to llc_rearrange. Second time this code runs, it gets applied on a dataset without faces as a dimension. """ if "face" in ds.dims and len(ds.X) == 4320: # pragma: no cover args = {"Xp1": slice(0, 4320, 10), "Yp1": slice(0, 4320, 10)} ds = _copy.deepcopy(ds.isel(**args)) maskH = _xr.ones_like(ds["XG"]) if YRange is not None: # Use arrays YRange = _np.asarray([_np.min(YRange) - add_Hbdr, _np.max(YRange) + add_Hbdr]) YRange = YRange.astype(ds["YG"].dtype) # Get the closest for i, Y in enumerate(YRange): diff = _np.fabs(ds["YG"] - Y) YRange[i] = ds["YG"].where(diff == diff.min()).min().values maskH = maskH.where( _np.logical_and(ds["YG"] >= YRange[0], ds["YG"] <= YRange[-1]), 0 ) if XRange is not None: # Use arrays XRange = _np.asarray([XRange[0] - add_Hbdr, XRange[-1] + add_Hbdr]) XRange = XRange.astype(ds["XG"].dtype) # Get the closest for i, X in enumerate(XRange): diff = _np.fabs(ds["XG"] - X) XRange[i] = ds["XG"].where(diff == diff.min()).min().values maskH = maskH.where( _np.logical_and( _rel_lon(ds["XG"], ref_lon) >= _rel_lon(XRange[0], ref_lon), _rel_lon(ds["XG"], ref_lon) <= _rel_lon(XRange[-1], ref_lon), ), 0, ) # Can't be all zeros if maskH.sum() == 0: raise ValueError("Zero grid points in the horizontal range") # Find horizontal indexes maskH = maskH.assign_coords( Yp1=_np.arange(len(maskH["Yp1"])), Xp1=_np.arange(len(maskH["Xp1"])) ) dmaskH = maskH.where(maskH.compute(), drop=True) return maskH, dmaskH, XRange, YRange def reset_dim(_ds, N, dim="mooring"): """resets the dimension mooring by shifting it by a value set by N""" _ds["n" + dim] = N + _ds[dim] _ds = _ds.swap_dims({dim: "n" + dim}).drop_vars(dim).rename({"n" + dim: dim}) return _ds def diff_and_inds_where_insert(ix, iy): dx, dy = (_np.diff(ii) for ii in (ix, iy)) inds = _np.argwhere(_np.abs(dx) + _np.abs(dy) > 1).squeeze() return dx, dy, inds def remove_repeated(_iX, _iY): """Attemps to remove repeated coords not adjascent to each other, while retaining the trajectory property of being simply connected (i.e. the distance between each index point is one). If it cannot remove repeated coordinate values, returns the original array. """ _ix, _iy = _iX, _iY nn = [] for n in range(len(_ix)): val = _np.where(abs(_ix - _ix[n]) + abs(_iy - _iy[n]) == 0)[0] # select only repeated values with deg of multiplicity = 2 if len(val) == 2: if len(nn) == 0: nn.append(list(val)) if len(nn) > 0 and (val != nn).all(): nn.append(list(val)) if _np.array(nn).size: dn = [nn[i][1] - nn[i][0] for i in range(len(nn))] # remove if the distance between repeated coords is 2 mask = _np.where(_np.array(dn) == 2)[0] remove = [nn[i][1] for i in mask] _ix, _iy = (_np.delete(ii, remove) for ii in (_ix, _iy)) # find the hole left mask = _np.abs(_np.diff(_ix)) + _np.abs(_np.diff(_iy)) == 2 # delete hole left behind _ix, _iy = (_np.delete(ii, _np.argwhere(mask)) for ii in (_ix, _iy)) # verify path is simply connected dx, dy, inds = diff_and_inds_where_insert(_ix, _iy) if inds.size: # pragma: no cover _ix = _iX _iY = _iY return _ix, _iy def connector(_ix, _iy): """ Takes a collection of points defined in logical space (ix, iy), each of equal length arrays, and returns a new continous array (_ix, _iy) that contains the original elements now with unit spacing. """ if len(_ix) == len(_iy) == 1: return _ix, _iy else: mask = _np.abs(_np.diff(_ix)) + _np.abs(_np.diff(_iy)) == 0 _ix, _iy = (_np.delete(ii, _np.argwhere(mask)) for ii in (_ix, _iy)) # Initialize variables" dx, dy, inds = diff_and_inds_where_insert(_ix, _iy) while inds.size: dx, dy = (di[inds] for di in (dx, dy)) mask = _np.abs(dx * dy) == 1 _ix = _np.insert(_ix, inds + 1, _ix[inds] + (dx / 2).astype(int)) _iy = _np.insert( _iy, inds + 1, _iy[inds] + _np.where(mask, dy, (dy / 2).astype(int)) ) # Prepare for next iteration dx, dy, inds = diff_and_inds_where_insert(_ix, _iy) _iX, _iY = remove_repeated(_ix, _iy) return _iX, _iY