

Compute horizontal volume flux through a mooring array section (in/outflow). If the array is closed, transport at the first mooring is not computed. Otherwise, transport at both the first and last mooring is not computed. Transport can be computed following two paths, so the dimension path is added.

\[T(mooring, Z, time, path) = T_x + T_y = u \Delta y \Delta z + v \Delta x \Delta z\]
od: OceanDataset

oceandataset used to compute

ds: xarray.Dataset
transport: Horizontal volume transport
Vtransport: Meridional volume transport
Utransport: Zonal volume transport
Y_transport: Y coordinate of horizontal volume transport
X_transport: X coordinate of horizontal volume transport
Y_Utransport: Y coordinate of zonal volume transport
X_Utransport: X coordinate of zonal volume transport
Y_Vtransport: Y coordinate of meridional volume transport
X_Vtransport: X coordinate of meridional volume transport
dir_Utransport: Direction of zonal volume transport
dir_Vtransport: Direction of meridional volume transport

See also
