Source code for oceanspy.subsample

Subsample OceanDataset objects.

# Instructions for developers:
# 1. All funcions must return a OceanDataset.
# 2. All functions must operate on private objects of an od (_ds, _grid),
#    and use OceanSpy reference names.
# 3. All functions should use the cutout_kwargs argument at the beginning.
# 4. Preserve original grid structure if possible.
# 5. Add new functions to _subsampleMethods
# 6. Add new functions to docs/api.rst

import copy as _copy
import functools as _functools
import warnings as _warnings

# import dask
import numpy as _np
import pandas as _pd

# Required dependencies (private)
import xarray as _xr
from packaging.version import parse as _parse_version
from xarray import DataArray

# From OceanSpy (private)
from . import compute as _compute
from . import utils as _utils
from ._ospy_utils import (
from .llc_rearrange import LLCtransformation as _llc_trans
from .llc_rearrange import (
from .utils import (

# Recommended dependencies (private)
    from geopy.distance import great_circle as _great_circle
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    import xesmf as _xe
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    import xoak as _xoak
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover

[docs] def cutout( od, varList=None, YRange=None, XRange=None, add_Hbdr=False, mask_outside=False, ZRange=None, add_Vbdr=False, timeRange=None, timeFreq=None, sampMethod="snapshot", dropAxes=False, centered=None, persist=False, ): """ Cutout the original dataset in space and time preserving the original grid structure. Parameters ---------- od: OceanDataset oceandataset to subsample varList: 1D array_like, str, or None List of variables (strings). YRange: 1D array_like, scalar, or None Y axis limits (e.g., latitudes). If len(YRange)>2, max and min values are used. XRange: 1D array_like, scalar, or None X axis limits (e.g., longitudes). If len(XRange)>2, max and min values are used. add_Hbdr: bool, scal If scalar, add and subtract `add_Hbdr` to the the horizontal range. of the horizontal ranges. If True, automatically estimate add_Hbdr. If False, add_Hbdr is set to zero. mask_outside: bool If True, set all values in areas outside specified (Y,X)ranges to NaNs. (Useful for curvilinear grids). ZRange: 1D array_like, scalar, or None Z axis limits. If len(ZRange)>2, max and min values are used. add_Vbdr: bool, scal If scalar, add and subtract `add_Vbdr` to the the vertical range. If True, automatically estimate add_Vbdr. If False, add_Vbdr is set to zero. timeRange: 1D array_like, numpy.ScalarType, or None time axis limits. If len(timeRange)>2, max and min values are used. timeFreq: str or None Time frequency. Available optionts are pandas Offset Aliases (e.g., '6H'): sampMethod: {'snapshot', 'mean'} Downsampling method (only if timeFreq is not None). "snapshot" means just throw away everything in between. "mean" means take a running average with the time freq. dropAxes: 1D array_like, str, or bool List of axes to remove from Grid object. if one point only is in the range. If True, set dropAxes=od.grid_coords. If False, preserve original grid. centered: str or bool. Only used when `face` is a dimension. When str, 'Atlantic' or 'Pacific' are the only possible choices. Default is `None` and centered is estimated during the cutout. persist: bool. Only used when `face` is a dimension. If `False` (default) the transformation is not persisted. Returns ------- od: OceanDataset Subsampled oceandataset Notes ----- If any of the horizontal ranges is not None, the horizontal dimensions of the cutout will have len(Xp1)>len(X) and len(Yp1)>len(Y) even if the original oceandataset had len(Xp1)==len(X) or len(Yp1)==len(Y). """ # Checks unsupported_dims = ["mooring", "particle", "station"] check1 = XRange is not None or YRange is not None if check1 and any([dim in unsupported_dims for dim in od._ds.dims]): _warnings.warn( "\nHorizontal cutout not supported" "for moorings, surveys, and particles", stacklevel=2, ) XRange = None YRange = None _check_instance( { "od": od, "add_Hbdr": add_Hbdr, "mask_outside": mask_outside, "timeFreq": timeFreq, }, { "od": "oceanspy.OceanDataset", "add_Hbdr": "(float, int, bool)", "mask_outside": "bool", "timeFreq": ["type(None)", "str"], }, ) varList = _check_list_of_string(varList, "varList") YRange = _check_range(od, YRange, "YRange") XRange = _check_range(od, XRange, "XRange") ZRange = _check_range(od, ZRange, "ZRange") timeRange = _check_range(od, timeRange, "timeRange") sampMethod_list = ["snapshot", "mean"] if sampMethod not in sampMethod_list: raise ValueError( "`sampMethod` [{}] is not supported." "\nAvailable options: {}" "".format(sampMethod, sampMethod_list) ) if not isinstance(dropAxes, bool): dropAxes = _check_list_of_string(dropAxes, "dropAxes") axes_warn = [axis for axis in dropAxes if axis not in od.grid_coords] if len(axes_warn) != 0: _warnings.warn( "\n{} are not axes of the oceandataset" "".format(axes_warn), stacklevel=2, ) dropAxes = list(set(dropAxes) - set(axes_warn)) dropAxes = {d: od.grid_coords[d] for d in dropAxes} elif dropAxes is True: dropAxes = od.grid_coords if YRange is None: dropAxes.pop("Y", None) if XRange is None: dropAxes.pop("X", None) if ZRange is None: dropAxes.pop("Z", None) if timeRange is None: dropAxes.pop("time", None) else: dropAxes = {} # Message print("Cutting out the oceandataset.") # Copy od = _copy.copy(od) # list for coord variables co_list = [var for var in od._ds.coords if var not in od._ds.dims] # Drop variables if varList is not None: # Make sure it's a list varList = _rename_aliased(od, list(varList) + co_list) # Compute missing variables od = _compute._add_missing_variables(od, varList) # Drop useless nvarlist = [v for v in od._ds.data_vars if v not in varList] od._ds = od._ds.drop_vars(nvarlist) else: # this way, if applicable, llc_transf gets applied to all vars varList = [var for var in od._ds.reset_coords().data_vars] # Unpack ds = od._ds periodic = od.grid_periodic # --------------------------- # Time CUTOUT # --------------------------- # Initialize vertical mask maskT = _xr.ones_like(ds["time"]).astype("int") if timeRange is not None: # Use arrays timeRange = _np.asarray([_np.min(timeRange), _np.max(timeRange)]).astype( ds["time"].dtype ) # Get the closest for i, time in enumerate(timeRange): if _np.issubdtype(ds["time"].dtype, _np.datetime64): diff = _np.fabs(ds["time"].astype("float64") - time.astype("float64")) else: diff = _np.fabs(ds["time"] - time) timeRange[i] = ds["time"].where(diff == diff.min(), drop=True).min().values maskT = maskT.where( _np.logical_and(ds["time"] >= timeRange[0], ds["time"] <= timeRange[-1]), 0 ) # Find time indexes maskT = maskT.assign_coords(time=_np.arange(len(maskT["time"]))) dmaskT = maskT.where(maskT.compute(), drop=True) dtime = dmaskT["time"].values iT = [min(dtime), max(dtime)] maskT["time"] = ds["time"] # Indexis if iT[0] == iT[1]: if "time" not in dropAxes: if iT[0] > 0: iT[0] = iT[0] - 1 else: iT[1] = iT[1] + 1 else: dropAxes.pop("time", None) # Cutout ds = ds.isel(time=slice(iT[0], iT[1] + 1)) if "time_midp" in ds.dims: if "time" in dropAxes: if iT[0] == len(ds["time_midp"]): iT[0] = iT[0] - 1 iT[1] = iT[1] - 1 ds = ds.isel(time_midp=slice(iT[0], iT[1] + 1)) else: ds = ds.isel(time_midp=slice(iT[0], iT[1])) # --------------------------- # Vertical CUTOUT # --------------------------- # Initialize vertical mask maskV = _xr.ones_like(ds["Zp1"]) if add_Vbdr is True: add_Vbdr = _np.fabs(od._ds["Zp1"].diff("Zp1")).max().values elif add_Vbdr is False: add_Vbdr = 0 if ZRange is not None: # Use arrays ZRange = _np.asarray([_np.min(ZRange) - add_Vbdr, _np.max(ZRange) + add_Vbdr]) ZRange = ZRange.astype(ds["Zp1"].dtype) # Get the closest for i, Z in enumerate(ZRange): diff = _np.fabs(ds["Zp1"] - Z) ZRange[i] = ds["Zp1"].where(diff == diff.min()).min().values maskV = maskV.where( _np.logical_and(ds["Zp1"] >= ZRange[0], ds["Zp1"] <= ZRange[-1]), 0 ) # Find vertical indexes maskV = maskV.assign_coords(Zp1=_np.arange(len(maskV["Zp1"]))) dmaskV = maskV.where(maskV.compute(), drop=True) dZp1 = dmaskV["Zp1"].values iZ = [_np.min(dZp1), _np.max(dZp1)] maskV["Zp1"] = ds["Zp1"] # Indexis if iZ[0] == iZ[1]: if "Z" not in dropAxes: if iZ[0] > 0: iZ[0] = iZ[0] - 1 else: iZ[1] = iZ[1] + 1 else: dropAxes.pop("Z", None) # Cutout ds = ds.isel(Zp1=slice(iZ[0], iZ[1] + 1)) if "Z" in dropAxes: if iZ[0] == len(ds["Z"]): iZ[0] = iZ[0] - 1 iZ[1] = iZ[1] - 1 ds = ds.isel(Z=slice(iZ[0], iZ[1] + 1)) else: ds = ds.isel(Z=slice(iZ[0], iZ[1])) if len(ds["Zp1"]) == 1: if "Zu" in ds.dims and len(ds["Zu"]) > 1: ds = ds.sel(Zu=ds["Zp1"].values, method="nearest") if "Zl" in ds.dims and len(ds["Zl"]) > 1: ds = ds.sel(Zl=ds["Zp1"].values, method="nearest") else: if "Zu" in ds.dims and len(ds["Zu"]) > 1: ds = ds.isel(Zu=slice(iZ[0], iZ[1])) if "Zl" in ds.dims and len(ds["Zl"]) > 1: ds = ds.isel(Zl=slice(iZ[0], iZ[1])) # --------------------------- # Horizontal CUTOUT (part I, split into two to avoid repeated code) # --------------------------- if add_Hbdr is True: add_Hbdr = _np.mean( [ _np.fabs(od._ds["XG"].max() - od._ds["XG"].min()), _np.fabs(od._ds["YG"].max() - od._ds["YG"].min()), ] ) add_Hbdr = 1.5 * add_Hbdr / _np.mean([len(od._ds["X"]), len(od._ds["Y"])]) elif add_Hbdr is False: add_Hbdr = 0 if "face" in ds.dims: arg = { "ds": ds, "varList": varList, # vars and grid coords to transform "add_Hbdr": add_Hbdr, "XRange": XRange, "YRange": YRange, "centered": centered, "persist": persist, } dsnew = _llc_trans.arctic_crown(**arg) dsnew = dsnew.set_coords(co_list) grid_coords = { "Y": {"Y": None, "Yp1": 0.5}, "X": {"X": None, "Xp1": 0.5}, "Z": {"Z": None, "Zp1": 0.5, "Zu": 0.5, "Zl": -0.5}, "time": {"time": -0.5}, } grid_coords = {"add_midp": True, "overwrite": True, "grid_coords": grid_coords} od._ds = dsnew # check if XU, YU, XV and YV need to be calculated: vel_grid = ["XU", "YU", "XV", "YV"] da_list = [var for var in dsnew.reset_coords().data_vars] check = all([item in da_list for item in vel_grid]) if check: # pragma: no cover manipulate_coords = {"coordsUVfromG": False} else: # pragma: no cover manipulate_coords = {"coordsUVfromG": True} new_face_connections = {"face_connections": {None: {None, None}}} od = od.set_face_connections(**new_face_connections) od = od.manipulate_coords(**manipulate_coords) od = od.set_grid_coords(**grid_coords) od._ds.attrs["OceanSpy_description"] = "Cutout of" "simulation, with simple topology (face not a dimension)" # Unpack the new dataset without face as dimension ds = od._ds # --------------------------- # Horizontal CUTOUT part II (continuation of original code) # --------------------------- # Initialize horizontal mask if XRange is not None or YRange is not None: if XRange is not None: XRange, ref_lon = _reset_range(XRange) else: ref_lon = 180 maskH, dmaskH, XRange, YRange = get_maskH( ds, add_Hbdr, XRange, YRange, ref_lon=ref_lon ) dYp1 = dmaskH["Yp1"].values dXp1 = dmaskH["Xp1"].values iY = [_np.min(dYp1), _np.max(dYp1)] iX = [_np.min(dXp1), _np.max(dXp1)] maskH["Yp1"] = ds["Yp1"] maskH["Xp1"] = ds["Xp1"] # Original length lenY = len(ds["Yp1"]) lenX = len(ds["Xp1"]) # Indexis if iY[0] == iY[1]: if "Y" not in dropAxes: if iY[0] > 0: iY[0] = iY[0] - 1 else: iY[1] = iY[1] + 1 else: dropAxes.pop("Y", None) if iX[0] == iX[1]: if "X" not in dropAxes: if iX[0] > 0: iX[0] = iX[0] - 1 else: iX[1] = iX[1] + 1 else: dropAxes.pop("X", None) ds = ds.isel(Yp1=slice(iY[0], iY[1] + 1), Xp1=slice(iX[0], iX[1] + 1)) Xcoords = od._grid.axes["X"].coords if "X" in dropAxes: if iX[0] == len(ds["X"]): iX[0] = iX[0] - 1 iX[1] = iX[1] - 1 ds = ds.isel(X=slice(iX[0], iX[1] + 1)) elif ("outer" in Xcoords and Xcoords["outer"] == "Xp1") or ( "left" in Xcoords and Xcoords["left"] == "Xp1" ): ds = ds.isel(X=slice(iX[0], iX[1])) elif "right" in Xcoords and Xcoords["right"] == "Xp1": ds = ds.isel(X=slice(iX[0] + 1, iX[1] + 1)) Ycoords = od._grid.axes["Y"].coords if "Y" in dropAxes: if iY[0] == len(ds["Y"]): iY[0] = iY[0] - 1 iY[1] = iY[1] - 1 ds = ds.isel(Y=slice(iY[0], iY[1] + 1)) elif ("outer" in Ycoords and Ycoords["outer"] == "Yp1") or ( "left" in Ycoords and Ycoords["left"] == "Yp1" ): ds = ds.isel(Y=slice(iY[0], iY[1])) elif "right" in Ycoords and Ycoords["right"] == "Yp1": ds = ds.isel(Y=slice(iY[0] + 1, iY[1] + 1)) # Cut axis can't be periodic if (len(ds["Yp1"]) < lenY or "Y" in dropAxes) and "Y" in periodic: periodic.remove("Y") if (len(ds["Xp1"]) < lenX or "X" in dropAxes) and "X" in periodic: periodic.remove("X") # --------------------------- # Horizontal MASK # --------------------------- if mask_outside and (YRange is not None or XRange is not None): if YRange is not None: minY = YRange[0] maxY = YRange[1] else: minY = ds["YG"].min().values maxY = ds["YG"].max().values if XRange is not None: minX = XRange[0] maxX = XRange[1] else: minX = ds["XG"].min().values maxX = ds["XG"].max().values maskC = _xr.where( _np.logical_and( _np.logical_and(ds["YC"] >= minY, ds["YC"] <= maxY), _np.logical_and( _rel_lon(ds["XC"], ref_lon) >= _rel_lon(minX, ref_lon), _rel_lon(ds["XC"], ref_lon) <= _rel_lon(maxX, ref_lon), ), ), 1, 0, ).persist() maskG = _xr.where( _np.logical_and( _np.logical_and(ds["YG"] >= minY, ds["YG"] <= maxY), _np.logical_and( _rel_lon(ds["XG"], ref_lon) >= _rel_lon(minX, ref_lon), _rel_lon(ds["XG"], ref_lon) <= _rel_lon(maxX, ref_lon), ), ), 1, 0, ).persist() maskU = _xr.where( _np.logical_and( _np.logical_and(ds["YU"] >= minY, ds["YU"] <= maxY), _np.logical_and( _rel_lon(ds["XU"], ref_lon) >= _rel_lon(minX, ref_lon), _rel_lon(ds["XU"], ref_lon) <= _rel_lon(maxX, ref_lon), ), ), 1, 0, ).persist() maskV = _xr.where( _np.logical_and( _np.logical_and(ds["YV"] >= minY, ds["YV"] <= maxY), _np.logical_and( _rel_lon(ds["XV"], ref_lon) >= _rel_lon(minX, ref_lon), _rel_lon(ds["XV"], ref_lon) <= _rel_lon(maxX, ref_lon), ), ), 1, 0, ).persist() for var in ds.data_vars: if set(["X", "Y"]).issubset(ds[var].dims): ds[var] = ds[var].where(maskC.compute(), drop=True) elif set(["Xp1", "Yp1"]).issubset(ds[var].dims): ds[var] = ds[var].where(maskG.compute(), drop=True) elif set(["Xp1", "Y"]).issubset(ds[var].dims): ds[var] = ds[var].where(maskU.compute(), drop=True) elif set(["X", "Yp1"]).issubset(ds[var].dims): ds[var] = ds[var].where(maskV.compute(), drop=True) # --------------------------- # TIME RESAMPLING # --------------------------- # Resample in time if timeFreq: # Infer original frequency inFreq = _pd.infer_freq(ds.time.values) if timeFreq[0].isdigit() and not inFreq[0].isdigit(): inFreq = "1" + inFreq # Same frequency: Skip if timeFreq == inFreq: _warnings.warn( "\nInput time freq:" "[{}] = Output time frequency: [{}]:" "\nSkip time resampling." "".format(inFreq, timeFreq), stacklevel=2, ) else: # Remove time_midp and warn vars2drop = [var for var in ds.variables if "time_midp" in ds[var].dims] if vars2drop: _warnings.warn( "\nTime resampling drops variables" " on `time_midp` dimension." "\nDropped variables: {}." "".format(vars2drop), stacklevel=2, ) ds = ds.drop_vars(vars2drop) # Snapshot if sampMethod == "snapshot": # Find new times time2sel = ds["time"].resample(time=timeFreq).first() newtime = ds["time"].sel(time=time2sel) # Use slice when possible inds = [ i for i, t in enumerate(ds["time"].values) if t in newtime.values ] inds = _xr.DataArray(inds, dims="time") ds = ds.isel(time=inds) else: # Mean # Separate time and timeless attrs = ds.attrs ds_dims = ds.drop_vars( [var for var in ds.variables if var not in ds.dims] ) ds_time = ds.drop_vars( [var for var in ds.variables if "time" not in ds[var].dims] ) ds_timeless = ds.drop_vars( [var for var in ds.variables if "time" in ds[var].dims] ) # Resample ds_time = ds_time.resample(time=timeFreq).mean("time") # Add all dimensions to ds, and fix attributes for dim in ds_time.dims: if dim == "time": ds_time[dim].attrs = ds_dims[dim].attrs else: ds_time[dim] = ds_dims[dim] # Merge ds = _xr.merge([ds_time, ds_timeless]) ds.attrs = attrs # Update oceandataset od._ds = ds # Add time midp if timeFreq and "time" not in dropAxes: od = od.set_grid_coords( {**od.grid_coords, "time": {"time": -0.5}}, add_midp=True, overwrite=True ) # Drop axes grid_coords = od.grid_coords for coord in list(grid_coords): if coord in dropAxes: grid_coords.pop(coord, None) od = od.set_grid_coords(grid_coords, overwrite=True) # Cut axis can't be periodic od = od.set_grid_periodic(periodic) return od
[docs] def mooring_array(od, Ymoor, Xmoor, xoak_index="scipy_kdtree", **kwargs): """ Extract a mooring array section following the grid. Trajectories are great circle paths if coordinates are spherical. Parameters ---------- od: OceanDataset od that will be subsampled. Ymoor: 1D array_like, scalar Y coordinates of moorings. Xmoor: 1D array_like, scalar X coordinates of moorings. xoak_index: str xoak index to be used. `scipy_kdtree` by default. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for :py:func:`oceanspy.subsample.cutout`. Returns ------- od: OceanDataset Subsampled oceandataset. """ # Check _check_native_grid(od, "mooring_array") # Useful variable R = od.parameters["rSphere"] if R is not None: # array defines a great circle path. Ymoor, Xmoor = circle_path_array(Ymoor, Xmoor, R) # Convert variables to numpy arrays and make some check Ymoor = _check_range(od, Ymoor, "Ymoor") Xmoor = _check_range(od, Xmoor, "Xmoor") serial = kwargs.pop("serial", None) if serial: _diffXYs = True varList = kwargs.pop("varList", None) args = { "varList": varList, "Xcoords": Xmoor, "Ycoords": Ymoor, "dim_name": "mooring", } od = _copy.deepcopy(od) # indexes needed for transport Yind, Xind = _xr.broadcast(od._ds["Y"], od._ds["X"]) Yind = Yind.expand_dims({"face": od._ds["face"]}) Xind = Xind.expand_dims({"face": od._ds["face"]}) od._ds["Xind"] = Xind.transpose(*od._ds["XC"].dims) od._ds["Yind"] = Yind.transpose(*od._ds["YC"].dims) od._ds = od._ds.set_coords(["Yind", "Xind"]) # when passed, od.subsample.statins returns dataset new_ds, diffX, diffY = od.subsample.stations(**args) coords = [var for var in new_ds.coords] # TODO: need to add Xind, Yind # needed for transports (via cutout) else: _diffXYs = False # Cutout if "YRange" not in kwargs: # pragma: no cover kwargs["YRange"] = Ymoor if "XRange" not in kwargs: # pragma: no cover kwargs["XRange"] = Xmoor if "add_Hbdr" not in kwargs: # pragma: no cover kwargs["add_Hbdr"] = True od = od.subsample.cutout(**kwargs) # Add indexes needed for transports Yind, Xind = _xr.broadcast(od._ds["Y"], od._ds["X"]) od._ds["Xind"] = Xind.transpose(*od._ds["XC"].dims) od._ds["Yind"] = Yind.transpose(*od._ds["YC"].dims) od._ds = od._ds.set_coords(["Xind", "Yind"]) # Message print("Extracting mooring array.") # Unpack ds ds = od._ds # create list of coordinates. coords = [var for var in ds if "time" not in ds[var].dims] ds_grid = ds[["XC", "YC"]] # by convention center point for key, value in ds_grid.sizes.items(): ds_grid["i" + f"{key}"] = DataArray(range(value), dims=key) if xoak_index not in _xoak.IndexRegistry(): raise ValueError( "`xoak_index` [{}] is not supported." "\nAvailable options: {}" "".format(xoak_index, _xoak.IndexRegistry()) ) ds_grid.xoak.set_index(["XC", "YC"], xoak_index) cdata = {"XC": ("mooring", Xmoor), "YC": ("mooring", Ymoor)} ds_data = _xr.Dataset(cdata) # mooring data # find nearest points to given data. nds = ds_grid.xoak.sel(XC=ds_data["XC"], YC=ds_data["YC"]) ix, iy = (nds["i" + f"{i}"].data for i in ("X", "Y")) # Remove duplicates that are next to each other. mask = _np.argwhere(_np.abs(_np.diff(ix)) + _np.abs(_np.diff(iy)) == 0) ix, iy = (_np.delete(ii, mask) for ii in (ix, iy)) # Initialize variables dx, dy, inds = diff_and_inds_where_insert(ix, iy) while inds.size: dx, dy = (di[inds] for di in (dx, dy)) mask = _np.abs(dx * dy) == 1 ix = _np.insert(ix, inds + 1, ix[inds] + (dx / 2).astype(int)) iy = _np.insert( iy, inds + 1, iy[inds] + _np.where(mask, dy, (dy / 2).astype(int)) ) # Prepare for next iteration dx, dy, inds = diff_and_inds_where_insert(ix, iy) # attempt to remove repeated (but not adjacent) coord values ix, iy = remove_repeated(ix, iy) new_ds = eval_dataset(ds, ix, iy) mooring = new_ds.mooring near_Y = new_ds["YC"].values near_X = new_ds["XC"].values # Add distance (0 always first element) if R is not None: dists = _np.array( [0] + [ _great_circle( (near_Y[i + 1], near_X[i + 1]), (near_Y[i], near_X[i]), radius=R ).km for i in range(len(near_Y) - 1) ] ) unit = "km" else: dists = _np.sqrt( (near_Y[1:] - near_Y[:-1]) ** 2 + (near_X[1:] - near_X[:-1]) ** 2 ) dists = _np.insert(dists, 0, 0) # add zero as 1st element if "units" in new_ds["XC"].attrs: unit = new_ds["XC"].attrs["units"] else: unit = "None" dists = _np.cumsum(dists) distance = DataArray( dists, coords={"mooring": mooring}, dims=("mooring"), attrs={"long_name": "Distance from first mooring", "units": unit}, ) new_ds["mooring_dist"] = distance # Reset coordinates new_ds = new_ds.set_coords(coords + ["mooring_dist"]) # Recreate od od._ds = new_ds # remove complex topology from grid if od.face_connections is not None: new_face_connections = {"face_connections": {None: {None, None}}} od = od.set_face_connections(**new_face_connections) grid_coords = od.grid_coords # remove face from grid coord grid_coords.pop("face", None) od = od.set_grid_coords(grid_coords, overwrite=True) od = od.set_grid_coords( {"mooring": {"mooring": -0.5}}, add_midp=True, overwrite=False ) # Create dist_midp _grid = od._grid dist_midp = _xr.DataArray( _grid.interp(od._ds["mooring_dist"], "mooring"), attrs=od._ds["mooring_dist"].attrs, ) od = od.merge_into_oceandataset(dist_midp.rename("mooring_midp_dist")) if _diffXYs: # pragma: no cover moor_midp = od._ds.mooring_midp.values if diffX.size == len(moor_midp): # include in dataset xr_diffX = DataArray( diffX, coords={"mooring_midp": moor_midp}, dims=("mooring_midp"), attrs={"long_name": "x-difference between moorings", "units": unit}, ) xr_diffY = DataArray( diffY, coords={"mooring_midp": moor_midp}, dims=("mooring_midp"), attrs={"long_name": "y-difference between moorings", "units": unit}, ) od._ds["diffX"] = xr_diffX od._ds["diffY"] = xr_diffY else: print(diffX.size) _warnings.warn( "diffX and diffY have inconsistent lengths with mooring dimension" ) # compute missing grid velocities from datasets if necessary vel_grid = ["XU", "YU", "XV", "YV"] da_list = [var for var in od._ds.reset_coords().data_vars] check = all([item in da_list for item in vel_grid]) if check: # pragma: no cover manipulate_coords = {"coordsUVfromG": False} else: # pragma: no cover manipulate_coords = {"coordsUVfromG": True} od = od.manipulate_coords(**manipulate_coords) od._ds = od._ds.set_coords( coords + vel_grid + ["mooring_dist", "mooring_midp_dist"] ) else: od._ds = od._ds.set_coords(coords + ["mooring_midp_dist"]) return od
[docs] def survey_stations( od, Ysurv, Xsurv, delta=None, xesmf_regridder_kwargs={"method": "bilinear"}, **kwargs, ): """ Extract survey stations. Trajectories are great circle paths if coordinates are spherical. Parameters ---------- od: OceanDataset od that will be subsampled. Ysurv: 1D array_like Y coordinates of stations. Xsurv: 1D array_like, X coordinates of stations. delta: scalar, None Distance between stations. Units are km for spherical coordinate, same units of coordinates for cartesian. If None, only (Ysurv, Xsurv) stations are returned. xesmf_regridder_kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for xesmf.regridder, such as `method`. Defaul method: `bilinear`. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for :py:func:`oceanspy.subsample.cutout`. Returns ------- od: OceanDataset Subsampled oceandataset. References ---------- Notes ----- By default, kwargs['add_Hbdr'] = True. Try to play with add_Hbdr values if zeros/nans are returned. This function interpolates using xesmf.regridder, and does not support lazy computation. xesmf.regridder currently dosen't allow to set the coordinates system (default is spherical). Surveys using cartesian coordinates can be made by changing the xesmf source code as explained here: """ # Check _check_native_grid(od, "survey_stations") # Convert variables to numpy arrays and make some check Ysurv = _check_range(od, Ysurv, "Ysurv") Xsurv = _check_range(od, Xsurv, "Xsurv") # Check xesmf arguments _check_instance({"xesmf_regridder_kwargs": xesmf_regridder_kwargs}, "dict") # Earth Radius R = od.parameters["rSphere"] if R is None: _warnings.warn( "\noceanspy.survey_stations interpolates" " using xesmf.regridder." "\nxesmf.regridder currently dosen't allow" " to set the coordinates system (default is spherical)." "\nSurveys using cartesian coordinates can be made" " by changing the xesmf source code as explained here:" "", stacklevel=2, ) # Compute trajectory for i, (lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) in enumerate( zip(Ysurv[:-1], Xsurv[:-1], Ysurv[1:], Xsurv[1:]) ): if R is not None: # SPHERICAL: follow great circle path this_Y, this_X, this_dists = _utils.great_circle_path( lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1, delta, R=R ) else: # pragma: no cover # CARTESIAN: just a simple interpolation this_Y, this_X, this_dists = _utils.cartesian_path( lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1, delta ) if i == 0: Y_surv = this_Y X_surv = this_X dists_surv = this_dists else: this_Y = _np.delete(this_Y, 0, axis=None) this_X = _np.delete(this_X, 0, axis=None) this_dists = _np.delete(this_dists, 0, axis=None) if len(this_dists) == 0: continue this_dists = this_dists + dists_surv[-1] Y_surv = _np.concatenate((Y_surv, this_Y)) X_surv = _np.concatenate((X_surv, this_X)) dists_surv = _np.concatenate((dists_surv, this_dists)) # Cutout if "YRange" not in kwargs: kwargs["YRange"] = Y_surv if "XRange" not in kwargs: kwargs["XRange"] = X_surv if "add_Hbdr" not in kwargs: kwargs["add_Hbdr"] = True od = od.subsample.cutout(**kwargs) # Message print("Carrying out survey.") # Unpack ds and grid ds = od._ds grid = od._grid # TODO: This is probably slowing everything down, # and perhaps adding some extra error. # I think we should have separate xesmf interpolations # for different grids, then merge. # Move all variables on same spatial grid for var in [var for var in ds.variables if var not in ds.dims]: for dim in ["Xp1", "Yp1"]: if dim in ds[var].dims and var != dim: attrs = ds[var].attrs ds[var] = grid.interp( ds[var], axis=dim[0], to="center", boundary="fill", fill_value=_np.nan, ) ds[var].attrs = attrs # Create xesmf datsets ds_in = ds ds_in = ds_in.reset_coords() ds_in["lat"] = ds_in["YC"] ds_in["lon"] = ds_in["XC"] ds = _xr.Dataset( {"lat": (["lat"], Y_surv), "lon": (["lon"], X_surv)}, attrs=ds.attrs ) # Interpolate try: regridder = _xe.Regridder(ds_in, ds, **xesmf_regridder_kwargs) except ValueError: raise ValueError( """ An error occured when creating the xesmf.Regridder object, try add_Hbdr = M, where M>1.5 times horizontal spacing """ ) regridder._grid_in = None # See regridder._grid_out = None # See interp_vars = [ var for var in ds_in.variables if var not in ["lon", "lat", "X", "Y"] ] print( "Variables to interpolate: {}." "".format( [var for var in interp_vars if set(["X", "Y"]).issubset(ds_in[var].dims)] ) ) for var in interp_vars: if set(["X", "Y"]).issubset(ds_in[var].dims): print("Interpolating [{}].".format(var)) attrs = ds_in[var].attrs ds[var] = regridder(ds_in[var]) ds[var].attrs = attrs elif var not in ["Xp1", "Yp1"]: ds[var] = ds_in[var].reset_coords(drop=True) if _parse_version(_xe.__version__) < _parse_version("0.4.0"): regridder.clean_weight_file() # Extract transect ds = ds.isel( lat=_xr.DataArray(_np.arange(len(Y_surv)), dims="station"), lon=_xr.DataArray(_np.arange(len(X_surv)), dims="station"), ) # Add station dimension ds["station"] = _xr.DataArray( _np.arange(len(X_surv)), dims=("station"), attrs={"long_name": "index of survey station", "units": "none"}, ) # Add distance ds["station_dist"] = _xr.DataArray( dists_surv, dims=("station"), attrs={"long_name": "Distance from first station"} ) if R is not None: # SPHERICAL ds["station_dist"].attrs["units"] = "km" else: # pragma: no cover # CARTESIAN if "units" in ds["lat"].attrs: ds["station_dist"].attrs["units"] = ds["lat"].attrs["units"] ds = ds.set_coords("station_dist") # Return od od._ds = ds grid_coords = od.grid_coords grid_coords.pop("X", None) grid_coords.pop("Y", None) od = od.set_grid_coords(grid_coords, overwrite=True) od = od.set_grid_coords( {"station": {"station": -0.5}}, add_midp=True, overwrite=False ) # Create dist_midp _grid = od._grid dist_midp = _xr.DataArray( _grid.interp(od._ds["station_dist"], "station"), attrs=od._ds["station_dist"].attrs, ) od = od.merge_into_oceandataset(dist_midp.rename("station_midp_dist")) od._ds = od._ds.set_coords( [coord for coord in od._ds.coords] + ["station_midp_dist"] ) return od
def stations( od, varList=None, tcoords=None, Zcoords=None, Ycoords=None, Xcoords=None, xoak_index="scipy_kdtree", method="nearest", dim_name="station", ): """ Extract nearest-neighbor data from given spatial coordinate. Data may be isolated and unordered (`dim_name=stations`), or contiguous and unit distanced (`dim_name=mooring`). Following the C-grid convention, for every scalar point extracted (along the new dimension `dim_name`) returns 4 velocity points: 2 U-points, 2 V-points and their respective coordinates, and 4 corner coordinate points. Parameters ---------- od: OceanDataset od that will be subsampled. varList: 1D array_lie, NoneType variable names to sample. tcoords: 1D array_like, NoneType time-coordinates (datetime). Zcoords: 1D array_like, NoneType Z coordinates at center point Ycoords: 1D array_like, NoneType Latitude coordinates of locations at center point. Xcoords: 1D array_like, NoneType lon coordinates of locations at center point. xoak_index: str xoak index to be used. `scipy_kdtree` by default. method: str, `nearest` (default). see .sel via xarray.dataSet.sel method dim_name: str `station` (default) or `mooring`. Returns ------- Depending on the choice of dim_name, two types of returns: see 1) if `dim_name: 'stations'` od: OceanDataset Subsampled oceandataset. 2) if `dim_name: 'mooring'` ds: xarray.dataset diffX: numpy.array diffX: numpy.array See Also -------- oceanspy.subsample.mooring_array """ _check_native_grid(od, dim_name) # Convert variables to numpy arrays and make some check tcoords = _check_range(od, tcoords, "timeRange") Zcoords = _check_range(od, Zcoords, "Zcoords") Ycoords = _check_range(od, Ycoords, "Ycoords") Xcoords = _check_range(od, Xcoords, "Xcoords") # Message message = "Extracting " + dim_name if dim_name == "mooring": message = message + " array" else: message = message + "s" print(message) # Unpack ds od = _copy.deepcopy(od) ds = od._ds face_connections = od.face_connections["face"] if varList is not None: nvarlist = [var for var in ds.data_vars if var not in varList] ds = ds.drop_vars(nvarlist) # look up nearest neighbors in Z and time dims Zlist = ["Zl", "Z", "Zp1", "Zu"] tlist = ["time", "time_midp"] dimlist, Coords = [], [] if Zcoords is not None: dimlist.append(Zlist) Coords.append(Zcoords) if tcoords is not None: dimlist.append(tlist) Coords.append(tcoords) for i in range(len(dimlist)): List = [k for k in dimlist[i] if k in ds.dims] args = {} for item in List: if len(ds[item]) > 0: args[item] = Coords[i] ds = ds.sel(**args, method="nearest") # create list of coordinates. co_list = [var for var in ds.coords if var not in ["face"]] if Xcoords is None and Ycoords is None: DS = ds if Xcoords is not None and Ycoords is not None: ds_grid = ds[["XC", "YC"]] if dim_name == "mooring": # needed for transport for key, value in ds_grid.sizes.items(): ds_grid["i" + f"{key}"] = DataArray(range(value), dims=key) if xoak_index not in _xoak.IndexRegistry(): raise ValueError( "`xoak_index` [{}] is not supported." "\nAvailable options: {}" "".format(xoak_index, _xoak.IndexRegistry()) ) ds_grid.xoak.set_index(["XC", "YC"], xoak_index) cdata = {"XC": (dim_name, Xcoords), "YC": (dim_name, Ycoords)} ds_data = _xr.Dataset(cdata) # find nearest points to given data. nds = ds_grid.xoak.sel(XC=ds_data["XC"], YC=ds_data["YC"]) if "face" not in ds.dims: # pragma: no cover iX, iY = (nds[f"{i}"].data for i in ("X", "Y")) DS = eval_dataset(ds, iX, iY, _dim_name=dim_name) DS = DS.squeeze() else: ds = mates(ds) varlist = [var for var in ds.reset_coords().data_vars if var not in "face"] attrs = {} for var in varlist: attrs[var] = ds[var].attrs iX, iY, iface = (nds[f"{i}"].data for i in ("X", "Y", "face")) _dat = nds.face.values ll = _np.where(abs(_np.diff(_dat)))[0] order_iface = [_dat[i] for i in ll] + [_dat[-1]] Niter = len(order_iface) if Niter == 1: args = { "_ds": ds, "_ix": iX, "_iy": iY, "_faces": order_iface, # single element list "_iface": 0, # index of face "_face_connections": face_connections, } if dim_name == "mooring": nix, niy = connector(iX, iY) DS, nix, niy = mooring_singleface(**args) if order_iface[0] in _np.arange(7, 13): DS = flip_v(mates(DS)) diffX, diffY, *a = cross_face_diffs( DS, nix, niy, order_iface, 0, face_connections ) return DS.persist(), diffX, diffY if dim_name == "station": # pragma: no cover DS = station_singleface(**args).persist() if order_iface[0] in _np.arange(7, 13): DS = flip_v(mates(DS)) if Niter > 1: nX0, nY0 = splitter(iX, iY, iface) args = { "_ds": ds, "_faces": order_iface, "_face_connections": face_connections, } DSf = [] shift = 0 diffsX, diffsY = _np.array([]), _np.array([]) for ii in range(Niter): if dim_name == "station": _returns = False args1 = {"_ix": nX0[ii], "_iy": nY0[ii], "_iface": ii} dse = station_singleface(**{**args, **args1}) if order_iface[ii] in _np.arange(7, 13): dse = flip_v(mates(dse)) if dim_name == "mooring": _returns = True nix, niy = fill_path( nX0, nY0, order_iface, ii, face_connections ) args1 = {"_ix": nix, "_iy": niy, "_iface": ii} dse, nix, niy = mooring_singleface(**{**args, **args1}) if order_iface[ii] in _np.arange(7, 13): dse = flip_v(mates(dse)) diX, diY, *a = cross_face_diffs( ds, nix, niy, order_iface, ii, face_connections ) diffsX = _np.append(diffsX, diX) diffsY = _np.append(diffsY, diY) for var in dse.reset_coords().data_vars: dse[var].attrs = {} if ii > 0: shift += len(DSf[ii - 1][dim_name]) dse = reset_dim(dse, shift, dim=dim_name) DSf.append(dse) DS = _xr.combine_by_coords(DSf) Ndim = len(DS[dim_name]) DS = DS.chunk({dim_name: Ndim}).persist() del DSf for var in DS.reset_coords().data_vars: DS[var].attrs = attrs if _returns: return DS, diffsX, diffsY DS = DS.set_coords(co_list) if Xcoords is None and Ycoords is None: od._ds = DS if Xcoords is not None and Ycoords is not None: if "face" in DS.variables: DS = DS.drop_vars(["face"]) od._ds = DS if od.face_connections is not None: # pragma: no cover new_face_connections = {"face_connections": {None: {None, None}}} od = od.set_face_connections(**new_face_connections) grid_coords = od.grid_coords od = od.set_grid_coords(grid_coords, overwrite=True) return od
[docs] def particle_properties(od, times, Ypart, Xpart, Zpart, **kwargs): """ Extract Eulerian properties of particles using nearest-neighbor interpolation. Parameters ---------- od: OceanDataset od that will be subsampled. times: 1D array_like or scalar time of particles. Ypart: 2D array_like or 1D array_like if times is scalar Y coordinates of particles. Dimensions order: (time, particle). Xpart: 2D array_like or 1D array_like if times is scalar X coordinates of particles. Dimensions order: (time, particle). Zpart: 2D array_like or 1D array_like if times is scalar Z of particles. Dimensions order: (time, particle). **kwargs: Keyword arguments for :py:func:`oceanspy.subsample.cutout`. Returns ------- od: OceanDataset Subsampled oceandataset. See Also -------- oceanspy.OceanDataset.create_tree """ # Checks _check_native_grid(od, "particle_properties") InputDict = _check_part_position( od, {"times": times, "Ypart": Ypart, "Xpart": Xpart, "Zpart": Zpart} ) times = InputDict["times"] Ypart = InputDict["Ypart"] Xpart = InputDict["Xpart"] Zpart = InputDict["Zpart"] check1 = not Ypart.shape == Xpart.shape == Zpart.shape check2 = not times.size == Ypart.shape[0] if check1 or check2: raise TypeError( "`times`, `Xpart`, `Ypart`, and `Zpart`" "have inconsistent shape" ) # Cutout if "timeRange" not in kwargs: kwargs["timeRange"] = times if "YRange" not in kwargs: kwargs["YRange"] = [_np.min(Ypart), _np.max(Ypart)] if "XRange" not in kwargs: kwargs["XRange"] = [_np.min(Xpart), _np.max(Xpart)] if "ZRange" not in kwargs: kwargs["ZRange"] = [_np.min(Zpart), _np.max(Zpart)] if "add_Hbdr" not in kwargs: kwargs["add_Hbdr"] = True if "add_Vbdr" not in kwargs: kwargs["add_Vbdr"] = True od = od.subsample.cutout(**kwargs) # Message print("Extracting Eulerian properties of particles.") # Unpack ds and info ds = od._ds R = od.parameters["rSphere"] # Remove time_midp and warn vars2drop = [var for var in ds.variables if "time_midp" in ds[var].dims] if vars2drop: _warnings.warn( "\nParticle properties extraction" " drops variables on `time_midp` dimension." "\nDropped variables: {}.".format(vars2drop), stacklevel=2, ) ds = ds.drop_vars(vars2drop) # New dimensions time = _xr.DataArray(times, dims=("time"), attrs=ds["time"].attrs) particle = _xr.DataArray( _np.arange(Ypart.shape[1]), dims=("particle"), attrs={"long_name": "index of particle", "units": "none"}, ) i_ds = _xr.Dataset({"time": time, "particle": particle}) # Find vertical and time indexes for dim in ds.dims: if dim == "time": tmp = _xr.DataArray(times, dims=("time")) elif dim[0] == "Z": tmp = _xr.DataArray(Zpart, dims=("time", "particle")) else: locals().pop("tmp", None) continue itmp = _xr.DataArray( _np.arange(len(ds[dim])), coords={dim: ds[dim].values}, dims={dim} ) itmp = itmp.sel({dim: tmp}, method="nearest") i_ds["i" + dim] = itmp # Convert 2 cartesian if R is not None: x, y, z = _utils.spherical2cartesian(Y=Ypart, X=Xpart, R=R) else: x = Xpart y = Ypart z = _np.zeros(y.shape) # Find horizontal indexes all_vars = {} for grid_pos in ["C", "U", "V", "G"]: # Don't create tree if no variables var_grid_pos = [ var for var in ds.data_vars if set(["X" + grid_pos, "Y" + grid_pos]).issubset(ds[var].coords) ] if not var_grid_pos: continue this_ds = _xr.Dataset({var: od._ds[var] for var in var_grid_pos}) # Useful variables Y = this_ds["Y" + grid_pos] X = this_ds["X" + grid_pos] shape = X.shape Yname = [dim for dim in Y.dims if dim[0] == "Y"][0] Xname = [dim for dim in X.dims if dim[0] == "X"][0] Yindex = X.dims.index(Yname) Xindex = X.dims.index(Xname) # Create tree tree = od.create_tree(grid_pos=grid_pos) # Indexes of nearest grid points _, indexes = tree.query( _np.column_stack((x.flatten(), y.flatten(), z.flatten())) ) indexes = _np.unravel_index(indexes, shape) iY = _xr.DataArray( _np.reshape(indexes[Yindex], y.shape), dims=("time", "particle") ) iX = _xr.DataArray( _np.reshape(indexes[Xindex], x.shape), dims=("time", "particle") ) # Transform indexes in DataArray and add to dictionary i_ds["i" + Yname] = iY i_ds["i" + Xname] = iX # Subsample (looping is faster) add_vars = { var: this_ds[var].isel({dim: i_ds["i" + dim] for dim in this_ds[var].dims}) for var in this_ds.data_vars } add_vars = {k: v.drop_vars([Xname, Yname]) for k, v in add_vars.items()} all_vars = {**all_vars, **add_vars} # Recreate od new_ds = _xr.Dataset(all_vars) for var in od._ds.variables: if var in new_ds.variables: new_ds[var].attrs = od._ds[var].attrs od._ds = new_ds # Add time midp od = od.set_grid_coords({"time": {"time": -0.5}}, add_midp=True, overwrite=True) # Reset coordinates od._ds = od._ds.reset_coords() return od
class _subsampleMethods(object): """ Enables use of functions as OceanDataset attributes. """ def __init__(self, od): self._od = od @_functools.wraps(cutout) def cutout(self, **kwargs): return cutout(self._od, **kwargs) @_functools.wraps(mooring_array) def mooring_array(self, **kwargs): return mooring_array(self._od, **kwargs) @_functools.wraps(survey_stations) def survey_stations(self, **kwargs): return survey_stations(self._od, **kwargs) @_functools.wraps(stations) def stations(self, **kwargs): return stations(self._od, **kwargs) @_functools.wraps(particle_properties) def particle_properties(self, **kwargs): return particle_properties(self._od, **kwargs)