Source code for oceanspy.plot

Plot using OceanDataset objects.

# Instructions for developers:
# 1. All funcions must return plt.Axes or xr.plot.FacetGrid objects,
# 2. Functions should use the cutout_kwargs argument at the beginning.
# 3. Make functions compatible with the animate module,
#    and create a twin function under animate.
# 4. Add new functions to _plotMethods
# 5. Add new functions to docs/api.rst

import functools as _functools
import warnings as _warnings

import numpy as _np
import pandas as _pd

# Required dependencies (private)
import xarray as _xr

import oceanspy as _ospy

# From oceanspy (private)
from . import compute as _compute
from ._ospy_utils import (
from .compute import _add_missing_variables
from .compute import integral as _integral
from .compute import weighted_mean as _weighted_mean
from .llc_rearrange import Dims

# Additional dependencies (private)
    import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    import as _ccrs
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover

[docs] def TS_diagram( od, Tlim=None, Slim=None, dens=None, meanAxes=None, colorName=None, plotFreez=True, ax=None, cmap_kwargs=None, contour_kwargs=None, clabel_kwargs=None, cutout_kwargs=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot temperature-salinity diagram. Parameters ---------- od: OceanDataset oceandataset used to plot. Tlim: array_like with 2 elements Temperature limits on the y axis. If None, uses min and max values. Slim: array_like with 2 elements Salinity limits on the x axis. If None, uses min and max values. dens: xarray.DataArray DataArray with densities used for isopycnals. Must have coordinates (Temp, S). In None, dens is inferred from Temp and S. meanAxes: 1D array_like, str, or None List of axes over which to apply weighted mean. If None, don't average. colorName: str, None Name of the variable to use to color (e.g., Temp). If None, uses plot insted of scatter (much faster) plotFreez: bool If True, plot freezing line in blue. ax: matplotlib.pyplot.axes If None, uses the current axis. cmap_kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for the colormap (same used by xarray) contour_kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for :py:func:`matplotlib.pytplot.contour` (isopycnals) clabel_kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for :py:func:`matplotlib.pytplot.clabel` (isopycnals) cutout_kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for :py:func:`oceanspy.subsample.cutout` **kwargs: If colorName is None: Kewyword arguments for :py:func:`matplotlib.pytplot.plot` Otherwise, kewyword arguments for :py:func:`matplotlib.pytplot.scatter` Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.pyplot.axes Axes object. References ---------- See Also -------- oceanspy.animate.TS_diagram """ # Check parameters _check_instance( { "od": od, "colorName": colorName, "plotFreez": plotFreez, "ax": ax, "cmap_kwargs": cmap_kwargs, "contour_kwargs": contour_kwargs, "clabel_kwargs": clabel_kwargs, "cutout_kwargs": cutout_kwargs, "dens": dens, }, { "od": "oceanspy.OceanDataset", "colorName": ["type(None)", "str"], "plotFreez": "bool", "ax": ["type(None)", "matplotlib.pyplot.Axes"], "cmap_kwargs": ["type(None)", "dict"], "contour_kwargs": ["type(None)", "dict"], "clabel_kwargs": ["type(None)", "dict"], "cutout_kwargs": ["type(None)", "dict"], "dens": ["type(None)", "xarray.DataArray"], }, ) if Tlim is not None: Tlim = _np.asarray(Tlim) if Tlim.size != 2: raise ValueError("`Tlim` must contain 2 elements") Tlim = Tlim.reshape(2) if Slim is not None: Slim = _np.asarray(Slim) if Slim.size != 2: raise ValueError("`Slim` must contain 2 elements") Slim = Slim.reshape(2) if dens is not None and not set(["Temp", "S"]).issubset(dens.coords): raise ValueError("`dens` must have coordinates (Temp, S)") # Change None in empty dict if cmap_kwargs is None: cmap_kwargs = {} cmap_kwargs = dict(cmap_kwargs) if contour_kwargs is None: contour_kwargs = {} contour_kwargs = dict(contour_kwargs) if clabel_kwargs is None: clabel_kwargs = {} clabel_kwargs = dict(clabel_kwargs) if cutout_kwargs is None: cutout_kwargs = {} cutout_kwargs = dict(cutout_kwargs) # Cutout first if len(cutout_kwargs) != 0: od = od.subsample.cutout(**cutout_kwargs) # Check and extract T and S varList = ["Temp", "S"] od = _add_missing_variables(od, varList) # Compute mean if meanAxes is not None: mean_ds = _compute.weighted_mean( od, varNameList=["Temp", "S"], axesList=meanAxes, storeWeights=False, aliased=False, ) T = mean_ds["w_mean_Temp"].rename("Temp") S = mean_ds["w_mean_S"].rename("S") lost_coords = list(set(od._ds["Temp"].dims) - set(T.coords)) else: T = od._ds["Temp"] S = od._ds["S"] lost_coords = [] # Extract color field, and interpolate if needed if colorName is not None: # Add missing variables (use private) _colorName = _rename_aliased(od, colorName) od = _add_missing_variables(od, _colorName) # Extract color (use public) color = od.dataset[colorName] if meanAxes is not None: mean_ds = _compute.weighted_mean( od, varNameList=_colorName, axesList=meanAxes, storeWeights=False, aliased=False, ) color = mean_ds["w_mean_" + _colorName].rename(_colorName) else: color = od.dataset[colorName] grid = od.grid dims2interp = [dim for dim in color.dims if dim not in T.dims] # Interpolation for dim in dims2interp: for axis in od.grid.axes.keys(): if dim in [ od.grid.axes[axis].coords[k] for k in od.grid.axes[axis].coords.keys() ]: print( "Interpolating [{}] along [{}]-axis." "".format(colorName, axis) ) attrs = color.attrs color = grid.interp( color, axis, to="center", boundary="fill", fill_value=_np.nan ) color.attrs = attrs # Broadcast, in case color has different dimensions T, S, color = _xr.broadcast(T, S, color) # Compute density T = T.persist() S = S.persist() if Tlim is None: Tlim = [T.min().values, T.max().values] if Slim is None: Slim = [S.min().values, S.max().values] if dens is None: print("Isopycnals: ", end="") tlin = _xr.DataArray(_np.linspace(Tlim[0], Tlim[-1], 100), dims=("t")) slin = _xr.DataArray(_np.linspace(Slim[0], Slim[-1], 100), dims=("s")) t, s = _xr.broadcast(tlin, slin) odSigma0 = _ospy.OceanDataset(_xr.Dataset({"Temp": t, "S": s})) odSigma0 = odSigma0.set_parameters(od.parameters) odSigma0 = odSigma0.compute.potential_density_anomaly() odSigma0._ds = odSigma0._ds.set_coords(["Temp", "S"]) # Freezing point paramsList = ["tempFrz0", "dTempFrz_dS"] params2use = { par: od.parameters[par] for par in od.parameters if par in paramsList } tempFrz0 = params2use["tempFrz0"] dTempFrz_dS = params2use["dTempFrz_dS"] freez_point = tempFrz0 + odSigma0._ds["S"] * dTempFrz_dS # Extract Density dens = odSigma0._ds["Sigma0"].where(odSigma0._ds["Temp"] > freez_point) # Create axis if ax is None: ax = _plt.gca() # Use plot if colorless (faster!), otherwise use scatter if colorName is None: default_kwargs = {"color": "k", "linestyle": "None", "marker": "."} kwargs = {**default_kwargs, **kwargs} ax.plot(S.values.flatten(), T.values.flatten(), **kwargs) else: # Mask points out of axes color = color.where(_np.logical_and(T > min(Tlim), T < max(Tlim))) color = color.where(_np.logical_and(S > min(Slim), T < max(Slim))) color = color.stack(all_dims=color.dims) c = color.values # Create colorbar (stolen from xarray) cmap_kwargs["plot_data"] = c cmap_params = _xr.plot.utils._determine_cmap_params(**cmap_kwargs) extend = cmap_params.pop("extend") _ = cmap_params.pop("levels") kwargs = {**cmap_params, **kwargs} # Scatter sc = ax.scatter(S.values.flatten(), T.values.flatten(), c=c, **kwargs) _plt.colorbar(sc, label=_xr.plot.utils.label_from_attrs(color), extend=extend) # Plot isopycnals t = dens["Temp"] s = dens["S"] col_keys = ["colors", "cmap"] default_contour_kwargs = {key: contour_kwargs.pop(key, None) for key in col_keys} if all(default_contour_kwargs[key] is None for key in col_keys): default_contour_kwargs["colors"] = "gray" contour_kwargs = {**default_contour_kwargs, **contour_kwargs} CS = ax.contour(s.values, t.values, dens.values, **contour_kwargs) ax.clabel(CS, **clabel_kwargs) # Plot freezing point if plotFreez: paramsList = ["tempFrz0", "dTempFrz_dS"] params2use = { par: od.parameters[par] for par in od.parameters if par in paramsList } tempFrz0 = params2use["tempFrz0"] dTempFrz_dS = params2use["dTempFrz_dS"] s = _np.unique(s.values.flatten()) ax.plot(s, tempFrz0 + s * dTempFrz_dS, "b") # Set labels and limits ax.set_xlabel(_xr.plot.utils.label_from_attrs(S)) ax.set_ylabel(_xr.plot.utils.label_from_attrs(T)) ax.set_xlim(Slim) ax.set_ylim(Tlim) # Set title title = [] all_coords = list(lost_coords) + list(T.coords) skip_coords = ["X", "Y", "Xp1", "Yp1"] if any([dim in od._ds.dims for dim in ["mooring", "station", "particle"]]): skip_coords = [coord for coord in od._ds.coords if "X" in coord or "Y" in coord] for coord in all_coords: if coord not in skip_coords: if coord in list(lost_coords): da = od._ds["Temp"] pref = "<" suf = ">" else: da = T pref = "" suf = "" rng = [da[coord].min().values, da[coord].max().values] units = da[coord].attrs.pop("units", "") if units.lower() == "none": units = "" if "time" in coord: for i, v in enumerate(rng): ts = _pd.to_datetime(str(v)) rng[i] = ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %r") if rng[0] == rng[-1]: rng = "{}".format(rng[0]) else: rng = "from {} to {}".format(rng[0], rng[1]) title = title + ["{}{}{}: {} {}" "".format(pref, coord, suf, rng, units)] ax.set_title("\n".join(title)) return ax
[docs] def time_series( od, varName, meanAxes=False, intAxes=False, cutout_kwargs=None, **kwargs ): """ Plot time series. Parameters ---------- od: OceanDataset oceandataset used to plot. varName: str, None Name of the variable to plot. meanAxes: 1D array_like, str, or bool List of axes over which to apply :py:func:`oceanspy.compute.weighted_mean`. If True, set meanAxes= :py:attr:`oceanspy.OceanDataset.grid_coords`. If False, skip weighted mean. intAxes: 1D array_like, str, or bool List of axes over which to apply :py:func:`oceanspy.compute.integral`. If True, set intAxes= :py:attr:`oceanspy.OceanDataset.grid_coords`. If False, skip integral. cutout_kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for :py:func:`oceanspy.subsample.cutout` **kwargs: Kewyword arguments for :py:func:`xarray.plot.line` Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.pyplot.axes Axes object. References ---------- """ # Check parameters _check_instance( {"od": od, "varName": varName, "cutout_kwargs": cutout_kwargs}, { "od": "oceanspy.OceanDataset", "varName": "str", "cutout_kwargs": ["type(None)", "dict"], }, ) # Check mean and int axes meanAxes, intAxes = _check_mean_and_int_axes( od=od, meanAxes=meanAxes, intAxes=intAxes, exclude=["time"] ) # Handle kwargs if cutout_kwargs is None: cutout_kwargs = {} cutout_kwargs = dict(cutout_kwargs) # Cutout first if len(cutout_kwargs) != 0: od = od.subsample.cutout(**cutout_kwargs) # Variable name _varName = _rename_aliased(od, varName) od = _add_missing_variables(od, _varName) # Mean and sum da, varName = _compute_mean_and_int(od, varName, meanAxes, intAxes) # Get time name time_name = [dim for dim in od.grid_coords["time"] if dim in da.dims] if len(time_name) != 1: raise ValueError("Couldn't find time dimension") else: time_name = time_name[0] # Check if len(da.shape) > 2: dims = list(da.dims) dims.remove(time_name) raise ValueError( "Timeseries containing multiple" " dimension other than time: {}".format(dims) ) # Plot _ = da.plot.line(**{"x": time_name, **kwargs}) _plt.tight_layout() return _plt.gca()
[docs] def horizontal_section( od, varName, plotType="pcolormesh", use_coords=True, contourName=None, meanAxes=False, intAxes=False, contour_kwargs=None, clabel_kwargs=None, cutout_kwargs=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot horizontal section. Parameters ---------- od: OceanDataset oceandataset used to plot. varName: str, None Name of the variable to plot. plotType: str 2D plot type. Options: {'contourf', 'contour', 'imshow', 'pcolormesh'} use_coords: bool If True, use coordinates for x and y axis (e.g., XC and YC). If False, use dimensions for x and y axis (e.g., X and Y) contourName: str, None Name of the variable to contour on top. meanAxes: 1D array_like, str, or bool List of axes over which to apply :py:func:`oceanspy.compute.weighted_mean`. If True, set meanAxes= :py:attr:`oceanspy.OceanDataset.grid_coords`. If False, skip weighted mean. intAxes: 1D array_like, str, or bool List of axes over which to apply :py:func:`oceanspy.compute.integral`. If True, set intAxes= :py:attr:`oceanspy.OceanDataset.grid_coords`. If False, skip integral. contour_kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for :py:func:`xarray.plot.contour` clabel_kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.clabel` cutout_kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for :py:func:`oceanspy.subsample.cutout` **kwargs: Kewyword arguments for :py:mod:`xarray.plot`.plotType Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.axes or xarray.plot.FacetGrid References ---------- See Also -------- oceanspy.animate.horizontal_section """ # Check parameters _check_instance( { "od": od, "varName": varName, "plotType": plotType, "use_coords": use_coords, "contourName": contourName, "contour_kwargs": contour_kwargs, "clabel_kwargs": clabel_kwargs, "cutout_kwargs": cutout_kwargs, }, { "od": "oceanspy.OceanDataset", "varName": "str", "plotType": "str", "use_coords": "bool", "contourName": ["type(None)", "str"], "contour_kwargs": ["type(None)", "dict"], "clabel_kwargs": ["type(None)", "dict"], "cutout_kwargs": ["type(None)", "dict"], }, ) # Check oceandataset wrong_dims = ["mooring", "station", "particle"] if any([dim in od._ds.dims for dim in wrong_dims]): raise ValueError( "`plot.vertical_section` does not support" " `od` with the following dimensions: " "{}".format(wrong_dims) ) # Check plot _check_options( name="plotType", selected=plotType, options=["contourf", "contour", "imshow", "pcolormesh"], ) # Handle kwargs if contour_kwargs is None: contour_kwargs = {} contour_kwargs = dict(contour_kwargs) if clabel_kwargs is None: clabel_kwargs = {} clabel_kwargs = dict(clabel_kwargs) if cutout_kwargs is None: cutout_kwargs = {} cutout_kwargs = dict(cutout_kwargs) # Cutout first if len(cutout_kwargs) != 0: od = od.subsample.cutout(**cutout_kwargs) # Check variables and add listName = [varName] if contourName is not None: listName = listName + [contourName] _listName = _rename_aliased(od, listName) od = _add_missing_variables(od, _listName) # Check mean and int axes meanAxes, intAxes = _check_mean_and_int_axes( od=od, meanAxes=meanAxes, intAxes=intAxes, exclude=["X", "Y"] ) # Apply mean and sum da, varName = _compute_mean_and_int(od, varName, meanAxes, intAxes) # SQUEEZE! Otherwise animation don't show up # because xarray makes a faceted plot da = da.squeeze() # Get dimension names X_name = [dim for dim in od.grid_coords["X"] if dim in da.dims][0] Y_name = [dim for dim in od.grid_coords["Y"] if dim in da.dims][0] # CONTOURNAME if contourName is not None: # Apply mean and sum da_contour, contourName = _compute_mean_and_int( od, contourName, meanAxes, intAxes ) # SQUEEZE! Otherwise animation don't show up # because xarray makes a faceted plot da_contour = da_contour.squeeze() # Get dimension names X_name_cont = [dim for dim in od.grid_coords["X"] if dim in da_contour.dims][0] Y_name_cont = [dim for dim in od.grid_coords["Y"] if dim in da_contour.dims][0] # Get dimensions dims = list(da.dims) dims.remove(X_name) dims.remove(Y_name) # Use coordinates if use_coords: al_dim = {} for dim in ["X", "Y", "Xp1", "Yp1"]: al_dim[dim] = _rename_aliased(od, varNameList=dim) if X_name == al_dim["X"] and Y_name == al_dim["Y"]: point = "C" elif X_name == al_dim["Xp1"] and Y_name == al_dim["Y"]: point = "U" elif X_name == al_dim["X"] and Y_name == al_dim["Yp1"]: point = "V" else: point = "G" X_name = _rename_aliased(od, varNameList="X" + point) Y_name = _rename_aliased(od, varNameList="Y" + point) if contourName is not None: if all([X_name_cont == al_dim["X"], Y_name_cont == al_dim["Y"]]): point_cont = "C" elif all([X_name_cont == al_dim["Xp1"], Y_name_cont == al_dim["Y"]]): point_cont = "U" elif all([X_name_cont == al_dim["X"], Y_name_cont == al_dim["Yp1"]]): point_cont = "V" else: point_cont = "G" X_name_cont = _rename_aliased(od, varNameList="X" + point_cont) Y_name_cont = _rename_aliased(od, varNameList="Y" + point_cont) # Pop from kwargs ax = kwargs.pop("ax", None) col = kwargs.pop("col", None) col_wrap = kwargs.pop("col_wrap", None) subplot_kws = kwargs.pop("subplot_kws", None) transform = kwargs.pop("transform", None) xstep, ystep = kwargs.pop("xstep", None), kwargs.pop("ystep", None) DIMS = [dim for dim in da.dims if dim[0] in ["X", "Y"]] dims_var = Dims(DIMS[::-1]) if xstep is not None and ystep is not None: xslice = slice(0, len(da[dims_var.X]), xstep) yslice = slice(0, len(da[dims_var.Y]), ystep) else: xslice = slice(0, len(da[dims_var.X])) yslice = slice(0, len(da[dims_var.Y])) sargs = {dims_var.X: xslice, dims_var.Y: yslice} da = da.isel(**sargs) # Projection if ax is None: if subplot_kws is None: subplot_kws = dict(projection=od.projection) elif "projection" not in subplot_kws.keys(): subplot_kws["projection"] = od.projection elif ax and od.projection is not None and not hasattr(ax, "projection"): od = od.set_projection(None) _warnings.warn( "\nSwitching projection off." "If `ax` is passed, it needs" " to be initialiazed with a projection.", stacklevel=2, ) kwargs["ax"] = ax kwargs["subplot_kws"] = subplot_kws # Multiple plots: if len(dims) == 1: extra_name = dims[0] # TODO: For some reason, faceting and cartopy are not # working very nice with our configurations # Drop it for now, but we need to explore it more sbp_kws_proj = kwargs["subplot_kws"].pop("projection", None) if od.projection is not None or sbp_kws_proj is not None: _warnings.warn( "\nSwitch projection off." " This function currently" " does not support faceting for projected plots.", stacklevel=2, ) od = od.set_projection(None) transform = None sbp_kws_proj = None kwargs["subplot_kws"]["projection"] = sbp_kws_proj # Add col if col is None: col = extra_name kwargs["col"] = col kwargs["col_wrap"] = col_wrap elif len(dims) != 0: raise ValueError( "There are too many dimensions: {}." "A maximum of 3 dimensions (including time)" " are supported." "Reduce the number of dimensions using" "`meanAxes` and/or `intAxes`".format(dims) ) # Add transform if transform is None and od.projection is not None: kwargs["transform"] = _ccrs.PlateCarree() # Plot args = {"x": X_name, "y": Y_name, **kwargs} plotfunc = eval("_xr.plot." + plotType) p = plotfunc(da, **args) # Contour if contourName is not None: ax = args.pop("ax", None) transform = args.pop("transform", None) col_keys = ["colors", "cmap"] default_contour_kwargs = { key: contour_kwargs.pop(key, None) for key in col_keys } if all(default_contour_kwargs[key] is None for key in col_keys): default_contour_kwargs["colors"] = "gray" contour_kwargs = {**default_contour_kwargs, **contour_kwargs} args = { "x": X_name_cont, "y": Y_name_cont, "ax": ax, "transform": transform, "add_labels": False, **contour_kwargs, } if len(dims) == 0: cont = da_contour.plot.contour(**args) _plt.clabel(cont, **clabel_kwargs) else: for i, thisax in enumerate(p.axes.flat): if extra_name in da_contour.dims: da_contour_i = da_contour.isel({extra_name: i}).squeeze() else: da_contour_i = da_contour cont = da_contour_i.plot.contour(**{**args, "ax": thisax}) _plt.clabel(cont, **clabel_kwargs) # Labels and return add_labels = kwargs.pop("add_labels", True) if len(dims) == 0: ax = _plt.gca() if od.projection is None: _plt.tight_layout() else: if add_labels is not False: try: gl = ax.gridlines(crs=transform, draw_labels=True) gl.top_labels = False gl.right_labels = False except TypeError: # Gridlines don't work with all projections pass return ax else: return p
[docs] def vertical_section( od, varName, plotType="pcolormesh", use_dist=True, subsampMethod=None, contourName=None, meanAxes=False, intAxes=False, contour_kwargs=None, clabel_kwargs=None, subsamp_kwargs=None, cutout_kwargs=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot vertical section. Parameters ---------- od: OceanDataset oceandataset used to plot. varName: str, None Name of the variable to plot. plotType: str 2D plot type. Options: {'contourf', 'contour', 'imshow', 'pcolormesh'} use_dist: bool If True, use distances for x axis. If False, use mooring or station. subsampMethod: str, None Subsample method. Options: {'mooring_array', 'survey_station'} contourName: str, None Name of the variable to contour on top. meanAxes: 1D array_like, str, or bool List of axes over which to apply :py:func:`oceanspy.compute.weighted_mean`. If True, set meanAxes= :py:attr:`oceanspy.OceanDataset.grid_coords`. If False, skip weighted mean. intAxes: 1D array_like, str, or bool List of axes over which to apply :py:func:`oceanspy.compute.integral`. If True, set intAxes= :py:attr:`oceanspy.OceanDataset.grid_coords`. If False, skip integral. contour_kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for :py:func:`xarray.plot.contour` clabel_kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.clabel` subsamp_kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for :py:func:`oceanspy.subsample.mooring_array` or :py:func:`oceanspy.subsample.survey_stations` cutout_kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for :py:func:`oceanspy.subsample.cutout` **kwargs: Kewyword arguments for :py:mod:`xarray.plot`.plotType Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.axes or xarray.plot.FacetGrid References ---------- See Also -------- oceanspy.animate.vertical_section """ # Check parameters _check_instance( { "od": od, "varName": varName, "plotType": plotType, "use_dist": use_dist, "subsampMethod": subsampMethod, "contourName": contourName, "contour_kwargs": contour_kwargs, "clabel_kwargs": clabel_kwargs, "subsamp_kwargs": subsamp_kwargs, }, { "od": "oceanspy.OceanDataset", "varName": "str", "plotType": "str", "use_dist": "bool", "subsampMethod": ["type(None)", "str"], "contourName": ["type(None)", "str"], "contour_kwargs": ["type(None)", "dict"], "clabel_kwargs": ["type(None)", "dict"], "subsamp_kwargs": ["type(None)", "dict"], }, ) # Check plot _check_options( name="plotType", selected=plotType, options=["contourf", "contour", "imshow", "pcolormesh"], ) # Check subsample if subsampMethod is not None: # Check plot _check_options( name="subsampMethod", selected=subsampMethod, options=["mooring_array", "survey_stations"], ) # Handle kwargs if contour_kwargs is None: contour_kwargs = {} contour_kwargs = dict(contour_kwargs) if clabel_kwargs is None: clabel_kwargs = {} clabel_kwargs = dict(clabel_kwargs) if cutout_kwargs is None: cutout_kwargs = {} cutout_kwargs = dict(cutout_kwargs) # For animation purposes. if len(cutout_kwargs) != 0: od = od.subsample.cutout(**cutout_kwargs) # Subsample first if subsamp_kwargs is not None and subsampMethod is not None: if subsampMethod == "mooring_array": od = od.subsample.mooring_array(**subsamp_kwargs) else: # survey_stations od = od.subsample.survey_stations(**subsamp_kwargs) # Check oceandataset needed_dims = ["mooring", "station"] if not any([dim in od.grid_coords.keys() for dim in needed_dims]): raise ValueError( "`plot.vertical_section` only supports" " `od` with one of the following grid coordinates: " "{}".format(needed_dims) ) # Check variables and add listName = [varName] if contourName is not None: listName = listName + [contourName] _listName = _rename_aliased(od, listName) od = _add_missing_variables(od, _listName) # Check mean and int axes meanAxes, intAxes = _check_mean_and_int_axes( od=od, meanAxes=meanAxes, intAxes=intAxes, exclude=["mooring", "station", "X", "Y", "Z"], ) # Apply mean and sum da, varName = _compute_mean_and_int(od, varName, meanAxes, intAxes) # SQUEEZE! Otherwise animation don't show up # because xarray makes a faceted plot da = da.squeeze() da, hor_name = _Vsection_regrid(od, da, varName) ver_name = [dim for dim in od.grid_coords["Z"] if dim in da.dims][0] da = da.squeeze() # slicing along section step = kwargs.pop("step", None) DIMS = [dim for dim in da.dims] dims_var = Dims(DIMS[::-1]) if step is not None and dims_var.X in ["mooring", "station"]: xslice = slice(0, len(da[dims_var.X]), step) else: xslice = slice(0, len(da[dims_var.X])) sargs = {dims_var.X: xslice} da = da.isel(**sargs) # CONTOURNAME if contourName is not None: # Apply mean and sum da_contour = od.dataset[contourName] da_contour, contourName = _compute_mean_and_int( od, contourName, meanAxes, intAxes ) # SQUEEZE! Otherwise animation don't show up # because xarray makes a faceted plot da_contour = da_contour.squeeze() # Get dimension names da_contour, hor_name_cont = _Vsection_regrid(od, da_contour, contourName) ver_name_cont = [dim for dim in od.grid_coords["Z"] if dim in da_contour.dims] if len(ver_name_cont) != 1: raise ValueError("Couldn't find Z dimension of [{}]" "".format(contourName)) else: ver_name_cont = ver_name_cont[0] da_contour = da_contour.squeeze() # Check dimensions dims = list(da.dims) dims.remove(hor_name) dims.remove(ver_name) # Use distances if use_dist: if hor_name + "_dist" in da.coords: hor_name = hor_name + "_dist" hor_name_cont = hor_name # Pop from kwargs ax = kwargs.pop("ax", None) col = kwargs.pop("col", None) if len(dims) == 0: # Single plot: # Add ax if ax is None: ax = _plt.axes() kwargs["ax"] = ax else: # Multiple plots: extra_name = dims[0] # Add col if col is None: col = extra_name kwargs["col"] = col # Plot args = {"x": hor_name, "y": ver_name, **kwargs} plotfunc = eval("_xr.plot." + plotType) p = plotfunc(da, **args) # Contour if contourName is not None: ax = args.pop("ax", None) col_keys = ["colors", "cmap"] default_contour_kwargs = { key: contour_kwargs.pop(key, None) for key in col_keys } if all(default_contour_kwargs[key] is None for key in col_keys): default_contour_kwargs["colors"] = "gray" contour_kwargs = {**default_contour_kwargs, **contour_kwargs} args = { "x": hor_name_cont, "y": ver_name_cont, "ax": ax, "add_labels": False, **contour_kwargs, } if ax is not None: cont = da_contour.plot.contour(**args) _plt.clabel(cont, **clabel_kwargs) else: for i, thisax in enumerate(p.axes.flat): if extra_name in da_contour.dims: da_contour_i = da_contour.isel({extra_name: i}).squeeze() else: da_contour_i = da_contour cont = da_contour_i.plot.contour(**{**args, "ax": thisax}) _plt.clabel(cont, **clabel_kwargs) # Return if ax is not None: _plt.tight_layout() return ax else: return p
def _compute_mean_and_int(od, varName, meanAxes, intAxes): # Mean and sum if meanAxes is not False: ds = _weighted_mean( od, varNameList=[varName], axesList=meanAxes, storeWeights=False ) for var in ds.data_vars: varName = var od = od.merge_into_oceandataset(ds) if intAxes is not False: ds = _integral(od, varNameList=[varName], axesList=intAxes) for var in ds.data_vars: varName = var od = od.merge_into_oceandataset(ds) # Extract da da = od.dataset[varName] return da, varName def _Vsection_regrid(od, da, varName): if "mooring" in od.grid_coords: # Time coordinates if "time" in od.grid_coords.keys(): time_coords = { timeName: da[timeName] for timeName in od.grid_coords["time"].keys() if timeName in da.coords } else: time_coords = {} # Regrid to center dim for axis in ["X", "Y"]: dim2regrid = [ dim for dim in od.grid_coords[axis] if (od.grid_coords[axis][dim] is not None and dim in da.dims) ] if len(dim2regrid) != 0: print("Regridding [{}] along [{}]-axis." "".format(varName, axis)) da_attrs = da.attrs da = od.grid.interp(da, axis) da.attrs = da_attrs hor_name = [dim for dim in od.grid_coords["mooring"] if dim in da.dims] if len(hor_name) != 1: raise ValueError( "Couldn't find `mooring` dimension of [{}]" "".format(varName) ) else: hor_name = hor_name[0] da = da.assign_coords(**time_coords) if hor_name + "_dist" in od._ds.coords: da = da.assign_coords( **{hor_name + "_dist": od._ds[hor_name + "_dist"]} ) for toRem in ["X", "Y", "Xp1", "Yp1"]: toRem = _rename_aliased(od, varNameList=toRem) if toRem in da.coords: da = da.drop_vars(toRem) else: # Station hor_name = [dim for dim in od.grid_coords["station"] if dim in da.dims] if len(hor_name) != 1: raise ValueError( "Couldn't find `station` dimension of [{}]" "".format(varName) ) else: hor_name = hor_name[0] return da, hor_name class _plotMethods(object): """ Enables use of functions as OceanDataset attributes. """ def __init__(self, od): self._od = od @_functools.wraps(TS_diagram) def TS_diagram(self, **kwargs): return TS_diagram(self._od, **kwargs) @_functools.wraps(time_series) def time_series(self, **kwargs): return time_series(self._od, **kwargs) @_functools.wraps(horizontal_section) def horizontal_section(self, **kwargs): return horizontal_section(self._od, **kwargs) @_functools.wraps(vertical_section) def vertical_section(self, **kwargs): return vertical_section(self._od, **kwargs)